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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, February 25, 2019

Bonus Pop-Up Day

Bright and early, Monday morning, Charlaine, Jonniann and I drove to the Sacramento Airport. With lots of hugs we bid Charlaine so long for her flight home to San Diego. Jonniann had planned to spend the day with her daughter Elaine who attends my alma mater UC Davis - Go Aggies! Sadly Elaine was held up by car stuff, and I got to keep my cuzzie all to myself for another day.  

We did a little bit of 'joy riding' during which I showed off my favorite park Sailor Bar. We called up Jen & Andrew's house and invited Dave & Tom out to lunch. Tom - poor guy - was a bit under the weather so we only absconded with David. We enjoyed a Nepalese lunch at a local restaurants. Then we went to my house. 

The whole day was a lovely bonus Pop-up day for me. I enjoyed having my cuzzies with me for chats and giggles. After our lovely visit, Jonni and I dropped David off back at his friends. Later chatting with Jonni I was thrilled to find out she had an interest in something dear to me, that despite it's sentimental value, has been neglected & dusty in a back room - my old nylon string guitar. I got it in the early 1970s when wanted to learn classical guitar. The Yamaha guitar when new sounded like stroking rubber bands strung on a cracker box. Now, with age, the guitar wood has a lovely deeper sound and the instrument has reached maturity. I like to think of it as a Red Violin, minus the mayhem. I am happy to think that maybe it will be in the Carter family, passed from member to member for eons. A girl can dream!

Jonniann however has been actively attempting to play guitar but at home she and her hubby have a steel string guitar which has played havock on Jonniann's gentle fingertips. Hurrah! I have found a forever home for my dear old guitar! Here enjoy Jonni playing a few notes on her new found friend.

[UPDATE: I recommended Joniann not take the guitar with her on the flight back to San Diego as it would be a hassle and the instrument lost its case eons ago. Since that day I did just wrap the guitar and ship it to her. I bet she nd the guitar are becoming fast friends. Life is good!]

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