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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Second Night, Second City!

Portillo's was our dinner goal
The place sure as hell had enough food!
William, being sharp, has relatives stashed across the country. Earlier today he contacted his may-as-well-be-his-sibling girlie cousin Lynette. So on leaving the museum, we picked up the very pregnant Lynette, who had just completed a stellar day at work. Earlier today her co-workers threw her a Baby Shower. She was loaded down with shopping bags full of new-baby goodies. She recommend a nice spot for us to enjoy dinner together and we were OFF to din-din!
Zipping by the streets of Chicago by night...
Hey, there's one of these in Sacramento too!
Tableau above Portello entryway
Lynette & Portillo's was like WELCOME TO FOOD LAND! 
Think they have enough decor there Skippy?
Lynette and William - Cousins!
A Chicago style feast was ON. Chicago hotdogs which is a hot dog on a poppy seed bun and slathered with mustard, relish, freshly chopped onions, sliced red ripe tomatoes, kosher pickle and sport peppers. Is your stomach aching yet? Mine was! OK, not so, I had the HUMONGOUS Chicken Pecan Salad and fed my hot dog to everyone else because my old gut can't handle that 'stuff' any longer. Smelt good though!

After our eat-a-thon, we dropped Lynette off at the train station. Enjoyed meeting her & wish her hubby'd been able to join us. William says Lynette is the sibling/sister he never had, which is so sweet!

So it was getting late but we were not done by a long shot. William found something to occupy us with - SECOND CITY! I've heard about Second City for decades and it was a total hoot to get to attend it and see the crown jewel of improvisational theater. We laughed our arses off and there are plenty of side stories but I'll let you down easy here - no photos, no tales. Sorry. Try again tomorrow.

Where are the photos? You tell me! I took lots and lots of photos with my iPhone, and although I've erased nothing, I can't find them. Nope. The pix aren't stuffed into the wrong directory, they just seemed to disappear. Chicago must be haunted, damn it! Really... Oh well.

UPDATE:  Here's who Lynette snuck into Portellos under the ultimate hidden packaging: The new princess is aptly called 'Leia'. She is a darling little princess...


William against the Chicago skyline
♪Start the car, I know a whoopee spot
Where the gin is cold, but the piano's hot
It's just a noisy hall where there's a nightly brawl
And all...that...jazz♪ 

What I'm trying to say with that probably inappropriate opening is we're in Chicago! The city, not the musical. We arrived yesterday, shortly before sundown. We reserved an Air BnB in a nice quiet neighborhood, an old fashioned 'walk up'. We have a flat for two nights. On arriving we trotted right back out to a nice dinner at The Handlebar, a  cute restaurant only a block from our flat.

But I'll back up a little. By coincidence (really, it was coincidence - of a sort) our first stop on arriving was the Chicago Field Museum. I wanted to go in, at least for a quick look. I adore natural history museums.

William stayed in the car and I jumped out for quick look in the Musuem
The tantalizing entrance to the museum - dead ahead!
I got a quick peek at the massive main hall but the museum was closed to the public in readying for a special event, a nighttime gala.
My speedy peek
The museum was closed for the evening, but seeing how forlorn that made me, the following day, William indulged me. We spent the day at the museum. Yet another item of my bucket list fulfilled!
William syncs with his new, powerful Spirit Animal
We toured the Egyptian exhibits

We had breakfast in the Museum's cafe, and there we noticed a few dino souvenirs - mugs, beer, etc.,  that started me telling William about the infamous T-Rex, Sue. A museum docent heard me and said, "Sue? Sue's here, just over there. I looked up and HOLY CRAP, - SUE!

Seeing the massive T-Rex Sue, right there in front of me was dumbfounding. I never had a bucket list wish to see Sue as I didn't even know it was possible that to see her! Yet, there she was, in all her magnificent massive bony-ness - the best preserved & most complete T-rex on earth.
SUE the T-Rex
The Field Museum was on my bucket as it is the final resting place of the man-eating Lions of the Tsavo.  I finally got to go eye to amber scary eye with the pair of murderous brothers. *shivers!*
The Ghost and the Darkness
The man-eating lions in the movie were played by a pair of acting lions called, 'Bongo and Caeser'. Bongo & Ceasar? Not as mysterious or awe inspiring name the real killer lions were called by the people they preyed upon and that was the name of the movie about the killers: 'The Ghost and the Darkness'. Sort of gives one the shivers, doesn't it?
Nice kitty, murderous kitty...

The Man-eaters were maneless but they can grow manes - it entirely depends on the temperatures where they live. I'm not lion, that's a-mane-zing!

The museum has .002 percent of it's b'zillion objects de interest on display and we saw perhaps .001% of those.
Ancient Chinese textiles

Chinese Masks & Puppets
and in artful forms such as these carved frogs made of African Anyolite

I love looking at clothing from Aboriginals of all nations - so pretty...
Oh, and the shoes
Whew! There were some long corridors to trek
There was an honest-to-gosh live Bigfoot in the Redwoods exhibit
You KNOW we had to hit the gift shop, though I didn't do much $$ damage.
There were several BIG WAYS to empty one's coffers there...

I regret passing over the T-Rex & Wild Cat Eyeball pops...
I am indulging in some back handed bragging when I say we so enjoyed ourselves, and were so reluctant to leave, that we ended up being gently escorted to the exit by a friendly museum guard. If we could have slipped the guard for a full night in a museum, we may well have done so - except...there are further plans for our last night in Chicago.