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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Ha Det Norway!

Bergen Airport directions

 On our last morning in Norway, we took a taxi to the airport Clarion hotel, located right next to the airport. Our flight out the following morning was an early one  so our hotel hop was for convivence. 

Clarion Lobby

Travel weariness had set in nicely, thank you very much. So after getting our room, neither Ila nor myself, felt too adventurous. We decided to walk over to the airport so as to avoid surprises in the morning, when we would be dragging our luggage along with us. 

And even more lobby

The hotel buffet area, with a string of gas lights along one side

When we returned from the airport trek, I noticed the hall on my floor had chairs set in front of a window facing the airport. Decided to do a little reading and jet watching. 

I think I was facing a side lot where out of service jets were stashed and/or serviced
There was a view of the parking lot, featured
here only for the colors & clouds in the sky

That night, we had dinner at the hotel's restaurant, which was - kind of funny to me - once again a decidedly NON-Norwegian fare. My dinner was in fact, a HUMONGOUS side of Louisiana BBQ beef ribs with a life-time supply of French fries and of course, a side of cabbage. Oh, and Ila had genuine Norwegian chicken tacos.

View from the hotel window, facing the airport across the street

The following morning we were up at 3:15AM (which is why we needed to stay near the airport!) and we slogged ourselves and our luggage over to the airport. The morning was cold and it was snowing, and for only the second time in my life I saw the moon with a rainbow halo. I'd have taken a photo but LUGGAGE and SNOW! 

Saw my final Norwegian Doggie, a traditional Norwegian Boston Terrier.

Airport Lady's Room
Our flight's only stop was the Amsterdam Airport (aka Airport from HELL). Both Ila and I opted to play the 'Old Lady Card' because that airport is too freakn' gigantic and scary-as-hell. Long story could follow up on all that but you are being spared. 
My view from the jet of the wings getting
a nice bath to remove the snow and ice before takeoff

After Amsterdam the flight back to Seattle was, to my mind, wonderful. I always enjoy long flights, short flights, whatever. I just like flying in general. Airports, not so much...
Bye Bye Amsterdam!

Suitably Iced, Iceland

Not exactly green, Greenland
I had at one point sworn off cruises, but I could totally do a  Hurtigruten cruise again some day. Ha Det Norway!