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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

They Grow Up So Fast

A while back, a couple of bird nesting boxes were set up here at Flown Piggies Farm. One of the boxes was quickly taken over as 'Home Sweet Home' by a pair of Tree Swallows. I only peered into the box once, to make sure the little family was doing OK. The box (shown above) was obviously occupied by Tree Swallows as the nest was quite feather-full. The feathers used to line the nest were duck feathers, Mallard duck feathers to be precise. I marvel how far the birds would have gone to acquire such soft nest lining. At that time there were as yet, no eggs in the little house.  

As the weeks flew by, I could view the Tree Swallows busily flying in and out of their box. In a matter of weeks loud squawks and demands could be heard if anywhere near the box. The new chicks were demanded their chow. So proud to hear the fussing baby swallows, and so happy it wasn't my job to feed the noisy things. 

Young Violet-green on 2nd floor railing

Meanwhile, I noticed the Violet-green Swallows, that nested in a ventilation hole above my bedroom balcony weren't slouches in the chick rearing department. Their youngsters were already out of the nest. The fledged chicks liked to rest on the patio railing above the garage. I often had the door to the playroom open and could hear and watch the young swallows. 

This is a view of the patio with setting swallows (I think those are a youngster and an weary-of-feeding-its-brats adult bird). 

Only the past couple of days I woke to the sound of chirping on my bedroom balcony. I peeked out and WHOA, there sat Tree Swallow chicks. There were two, busily calling back and forth to each other. Any time an adult flew by the chicks peeped plaintively, but I never saw the adults approach them with food. The chicks were back on the balcony this morning so I assume they're either getting fed or are attempting to feed themselves. Yesterday, later in the morning there were 4 baby Tree Swallows up on the telephone lines so I guess the adult birds got the job done.