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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Pissing Off the Dragons

My gut isn’t the only thing in want of being tidied up. I like the ideas of Feng Shui. No I don’t believe there are dragons out there willing to grant prosperity if I hang a mirror on my front door and a green plant in the northwest corner of my sitting room. I do believe clutter piled in corners and poor arrangement of furniture drags you down. I think change is wanted.
Normally my home is tidy enough that if guests dropped in unexpected, I could welcome them in and perhaps except for whichever of my projects-of-the-week is center stage in the living room, I would feel secure that my company could sit on the couch and enjoy the view or drink & eat on produce from my kitchen without fearing botulism or e-coli.
Uh… that is not quite the case these last few months. Mind, the clutter that has overcome my dining room is the end result of cleaning out the back two bedrooms without having made final decisions on what to toss/store/give-away. Still the clutter is destroying all ‘Chi’ and pissing off the dragons. And the kitchen is one rotting tangerine away from becoming the health department's case-of-the-month.

This must change. Stay tuned.