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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

They Come in Threes

Afterwork last night I saw the final performance of Oklahoma! at the high school, which featured 18 year old Diego's last performance before graduating. He'll be going to San Francisco University in the fall. Diego knocked everyone's socks off with his surly, slightly mental portrayal of the loner, love struck field hand, Jud. Diego's Aunt Julie is a professional actress in Monterey so perhaps that is where this font of acting talent comes from, or more likely the kid just has 'it'. I am sure the next time I see him on stage the cost will be more than $6 and I'll have to travel farther than to a local Sacramento high school.

Now speaking of plays, I totally freaked today. My friend Cornetta and I hold season tickets to the Davis Musical Theater Company. The first two plays we saw & had a ball. When the third play, Oliver, came around, Cornetta did not attend because of the untimely death of a very dear friend of hers. The following play was Camelot, and then it was my turn lose a friend when Irmgard passed away.

So tonight is the next to the next-to-the-last play of the Davis series, Annie Get Your Gun. This afternoon I got a phone call because tonight's performance of Annie Get Your Gun and tomorrow night's performance are canceled. Why? The lead actress of Annie Oakley herself is unavailable; her mother died.


I'm always saying how deaths come in threes and though my science loving, intelligent design rejecting, heathen heart loves to say there ARE no patterns to death, only coincidences, this 3-in-a-row thing really freaks me out.