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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Hammerfest and Nordkapp, Norway


View of Hammerfest harbor with Richard With (cruise ship)  moored in the distance

At the ship dock, this polar bear mascot welcomes visitors to Hammerfest. 

An ancient Sami thatched type house

bussing though the holiday lit town

Hammerfest's Musuem of Reconstruction

museum mock up of an old fashioned dry goods store, complete with hanging stockfisk

Fanciest, hand carved keychains EVER!

A 'Julebuckk'; straw ornament of a goat. Perhaps this one helped pull Thor's giant sled. In the 19th century it was a goat that delivered Jule prezzies, not Santa. 

Mr & Ms. Straw Troll

A last view of Hammerfest on the bus back to the ship

One of the few times... er time... I ventured on shore by myself was in Nordkapp. The ship was docked only a short time for loading & unloading of passengers and supplies. I took the chance of hitting the town in search of prezzies. 

A bit of Nordkapp

Took this photo because I could actually understand the sign, which of course thrilled the crap out of me. The lower bit 'Mat og Drikke' is 'Food and Drink'. 

The neatest thing in Nordkapp was an art center, which was currently featuring a display of gingerbread thingies of all sorts. I am pretty sure the gingerbread builders (and icers) were completely amateur. The cookies and buildings and boats, were fanciful, somewhat rough in appearance and sooo damned adorable! 

Gingerbread Viking Ship, on the prowl

Gingerbread horsie in front of gingerbread uh... huts?

Trolls standing guard over smartie coated gingerbread house

My little shopping expedition from the good ship Richard With went well, as in the boat was there when I returned to it, so all was well. SKÅL!