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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Boulder Colorado Retreat

A view at Peaceful Meadows Retreat

A four day visit to the Peaceful Meadows Retreat was the core of our sojourn to Boulder, Colorado. Shortly after we arrived, we were escorted to our little room at the head of the stairs, which I excitedly noticed contained, not only our own personal robes & slippers, but also baskets. Joy of joys - the baskets included toiletries, but most notably lovely dark chocolates! The beds were only twins, but it wasn't like there would be much time for lolling around.

Who IS that in the mirror over there?

The Retreat gardens

There is a lovely veggie garden which supplied us with nice super-fresh veggies for every meal - yes, that included a few veggies at breakfast.

Veggie Garden

We ate quite well at the retreat, all of our meals provided by the lovely lady below. I will definitely trying some of the retreat recipes, which are conveniently on line, for myself.

The Chef presents our din-din! Yum!

Two mornings there were hot air balloons floating by, at some distance. I wonder if there was a balloon race or demo going on?

Hot Air Balloon wafted by

I was tickled to find several great garden areas, including the mineral inspired "Angelic Gateway of Grace" shown below.

Mineral Crystal meditation area

Top of a mineral post

There were loads of interesting things inside the retreat's main building also. We attended spa treatments (think acupuncture energy stimulation - sans needles, crossed with chakra treatments) in a room featuring this lovely little stained glass window. I was intrigued by the window's colorful reflection on the rug.

Stained glass

There was also a little chapel upstairs, which holds Sunday services. It used to be the balleywick of a famous holy woman, Reverend Hanna Kroeger, master herbalist and healer. She was known throughout the world as the “Grandmother of Health.” Of course her healing powers irked the crap out of the medical profession so she was often sued for having the audacity to help people achieve better health.

The chapel

Ascended Masters surround wishes

Our classes began within an hour of arriving at the Retreat site, late Friday afternoon, and continued on through Sunday night, 10PM. Barbara and I were exhausted! We did complete the program however, and on Monday night there was a celebratory dinner in the honor of all class participants. The music played was the sort played at British Royal coronations, which needless to say, made me all giggly & happy.

Our celebratory feast

Our numerous classmates were all delightful to meet and get to know. Many had amazing life stories that to me seemed worth the price of the classes in themselves; stories of survival, stories of woe and triumph.

Some classmates pose at Graduation

A toast to our progress & excellence!

Oh, and did I mention how yummy dessert was graduation night?

As special ordered, there was a beautiful pink and blue sky our last night at the retreat.

A memorable sky over our retreat on Grads night