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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Guess Again Ms. Know-it-all!

Side note to yesterday's report on Mommy Nancy's visit last weekend. She saw a small bird in my backyard, and picked my ever handy Field Guide to North American Birds.

Nancy: "I found it... hum... Black Phoebe... it was this one, a juvenile... it had brown on the wings."

Know-it-all-Claire: "Naw, that wasn't a juvenile, it was an adult, they're solid black with a snowy white belly. "

Nancy: "I thought I saw like a reddish brown on the wings."

Know-it-all-Claire: "No, no, there's an adult or two that always hang around the yard."

So, flash forward to this morning, I look out the window and whom do I see lined up on the Pool fence?

Juvie Line-up

Waiting for Ma
Baby Phoebes! Honestly, I'm tickled half to death. I wish I could be home every day to watch the little guys line up for their chow, and their harried parents. They all ignore me, but when a Scrub Jay buzzed in, the entire family was off in a flash. You know how it is when THAT creepy neighbor comes calling. You just have to pretend you're out!

Feeding time at last