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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cape May Lewes Ferry

Hurrah! There are many birding 'Hot Spots' in the U.S. today I got to visit a new one today. The day started bidding my Baltimore family a fond farewell, then driving from Baltimore to my first visit ever to the tiny state of Delaware.

The cute streets of Delaware
I drove straight on over to the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge. One of my shortest refuge visits e-vah.
Rear side of Birdie Totem
at Visitor Center

I took a short stroll through a small orchard at the Refuge Visitor Center. The trees were all fruited and small birds darted in and out. Sampling the berries were Chipping Sparrows, a preponderance of Yellow-rumped Warbers, American Robins and the like. I also spent a fair time staring at the tall marsh grasses hoping for some interesting birds to pop up, but if they were there, they weren't in the mood for popping up so I could see them. Bother!

After my brief refuge visit I drove a bit south to Lewes Delaware - "First State, First Town" was the motto strewn about the quaint little area. I happened by a beach and took note of some gull types for my annual birding list.

Laughing Gull refusing to crack a smile
Royal Terns

Getting closer!

Arriving at the Cape May Lewes Ferry, I parked, had a little lunch on a nice outdoor patio, and bought my ferry ticket.
The Ferry Terminal building

Boarding the afternoon ferry

This was a good opportunity to stretch my lazy legs and enjoy the ride. 

There were many places to stroll and/or sit

Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse

 Yay! Cape May, New Jersey, dead ahead.

Huzzah! Arriving at Cape May, it was time for a bird search.