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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, May 24, 2008



Praise Earth Mother! Yesterday I woke HEALTHY! (that is if you ignore the lingering cough and persistant wheeze)! Ok, maybe not healthy, but feeling much better.

Yesterday I drove to eastern Colorado to have a go Bonnie Lake State Park. The drive was long, but there were wild Pronghorn to be seen along the freeway. I didn't see any new birds, but I had a wonderful time chasing Warbling Vireos that refused to hold still for their portrature (&#%! vireos). But Red-headed Woodpeckers were far more cooperative.

Pretty boy (or girl?)

There were several death defying serpent adventures with harmless gopher snakes.

I molested loads of snakes at Bonnie Lake - BAD Claire!

Snakey was not amused

Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, found EVERYWHERE in Colorado

A nice thing about the Inn we're staying at, is they let me have a student's rate,which included all my meals. Add to that, the restaurant is British themed so you know I enjoyed me grub.

A bit o' Brit

All week our meals were buffet style, but tonight we were given Brit menus which included Bangers and Mash, Potato and Leek Soup, Fish & Chips. The waiter said everything on the menu was delicious. I told him if it was, then it wasn't really British. He was not amused. I had a Scottish chicken dish with mushrooms - again - too tasty for true Scot authenticity. During our last dinner at the Inn, Barb's many classmates recommended a drive out to Boulder Falls. So, after dinner tonight we drove out there.

It was a hecka long walk to the falls, considering how cranky my lungs were

Watching our steps

Boulder Falls

The big draw was there is a tendency for photos at the falls to show 'orbs', which are unseen by the naked eye, but show up as balls of light in photos. Back at the Inn, the consensus was the orbs are beings that are attracted to happy beings, and on the doubting Thomas side, the orbs are only reflection of light by dust particles. We didn't get any orbs in our photos at the falls - probably due to my unhappy wheezing? I'll post some orb photos later this summer. Here's the BONUS of staying at the Inn - all week I chatted with many of Barb's classmates, one of whom had very pretty locks. I was too chicken to ask questions, but Barbara was not (it is good to have friends who will question on your behalf). Anyway, we were told, what she wears are Sister Locks, a new type of hair 'locking', invented by a Californian lady. The locks are not quite braids, and what I like best is there are no extentions, just your own hair. Sooo... guess what I'm going to have done the second I get back to California?