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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

2023 ABA Area Bird List

With 120 North American species seen in 2023, at least 2022's total was improved: 120 vs a sad 116 North American bird species seen for 2023. On the bright side, a winter trip to Kenya and Tanzania gave me 101 lifer birds for Planet Earth. GO AFRICA! 

  1. Greater White-fronted Goose
  2. Brant
  3. Cackling Goose
  4. Canada Goose
  5. Trumpeter Swan
  6. Northern Shoveler
  7. Gadwall
  8. Eurasian Wigeon 
  9. American Wigeon
  10. Mallard
  11. Northern Pintail
  12. Green-winged Teal
  13. Ring-necked Duck
  14. Greater Scaup
  15. Harlequin Duck
  16. Surf Scoter
  17. White-winged Scoter
  18. Long-tailed Duck
  19. Bufflehead
  20. Common Goldeneye
  21. Barrow's Goldeneye
  22. Hooded Merganser
  23. Common Merganser
  24. Red-breasted Merganser
  25. Ruddy Duck
  26. California Quail
  27. Wild Turkey
  28. Pied-billed Grebe 
  29. Horned Grebe
  30. Western Grebe
  31. Rock Pigeon
  32. Band-tailed Pigeon
  33. Eurasian Collared-Dove
  34. Mourning Dove
  35. Anna's Hummingbird
  36. Rufous Hummingbird
  37. Allen's Hummingbird
  38. Black Oystercatcher
  39. Black-bellied Plover
  40. Killdeer
  41. Whimbrel
  42. Black Turnstone
  43. Surfbird
  44. Dunlin
  45. Least Sandpiper
  46. Western Sandpiper
  47. Short-billed Dowitcher
  48. Long-billed Dowitcher
  49. Greater Yellowlegs
  50. Pigeon Guillemot
  51. Rhinoceros Auklet
  52. Bonaparte's Gull
  53. Heerman's Gull
  54. Short-billed Gull
  55. Ring-billed Gull
  56. California Gull
  57. Glaucous-winged Gull
  58. Caspian Tern
  59. Pacific Loon
  60. Common Loon
  61. Brant's Cormorant
  62. Double-crested Cormorant
  63. Pelagic Cormorant
  64. Brown Pelican
  65. Great Blue Heron
  66. Great Egret
  67. Snowy Egret
  68. Black-crowned Night-Heron
  69. White-faced Ibis
  70. Turkey Vulture
  71. Bald Eagle
  72. Northern Harrier
  73. Cooper's Hawk
  74. Red-tailed Hawk
  75. Downy Woodpecker
  76. Belted Kingfisher
  77. Northern Flicker
  78. American Kestrel
  79. Peregrine Falcon
  80. Western Wood-Pewee
  81. Black Phoebe
  82. Bell's Vireo
  83. Warbling Vireo
  84. Steller's Jay
  85. California Scrub Jay
  86. American Crow
  87. Northwestern Crow
  88. Common Raven
  89. Purple Martin
  90. Violet-green Swallow
  91. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  92. Cliff Swallow
  93. Barn Swallow
  94. Black-capped Chickadee
  95. Chestnut-backed Chickadee
  96. Bushtit
  97. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  98. Pacific Wren 
  99. Golden-crowned Kinglet
  100. Swainson's Thrush
  101. American Robin
  102. Northern Mockingbird
  103. Cedar Waxwing
  104. European Starling
  105. House Sparrow
  106. House Finch
  107. Purple Finch
  108. American Goldfinch
  109. Spotted Towhee
  110. California Towhee
  111. Savannah Sparrow
  112. Song Sparrow
  113. White-crowned Sparrow
  114. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  115. Dark-eyed Junco
  116. Yellow-breasted Chat
  117. Red-winged Blackbird
  118. Brown-headed Cowbird
  119. Brewer's Blackbird
  120. Great-tailed Grackle 
  121. Common Yellowthroat
  122. Yellow Warbler
  123. Yellow-rumped Warbler

African Species, Kenya & Tanzania

  1. African Fish-Eagle
  2. African Gray Hornbill
  3. African Jacana
  4. African Palm Swift
  5. African Paradise Flycatcher
  6. African Pied Wagtail
  7. African Sacred Ibis
  8. African Spoonbill
  9. African Thrush
  10. Allen's Gallinule
  11. Arrow-marked Babbler
  12. Baglafecht Weaver
  13. Black Crake
  14. Black Heron
  15. Black Kite
  16. Black-bellied Bustard
  17. Black-headed Heron
  18. Black-lored Babbler
  19. Black-winged Stilt
  20. Blacksmith Lapwing
  21. Cape Teal
  22. Common Bulbul
  23. Common Ostrich
  24. Common Swift
  25. Common Sandpiper
  26. Crowned Lapwing
  27. D'Arnaud's Barbet
  28. Dark Chanting-Goshawk
  29. Double-banded Courser
  30. Dusky Turtle-dove
  31. Eurasian Hoopoe
  32. Eurasian Kestrel
  33. Fan-tailed Widowbird
  34. Fisher's Lovebird
  35. Goliath Heron
  36. Gray-crowned Crane
  37. Gray-backed Fiscal
  38. Gray-headed Social-Weaver
  39. Gray-headed Gull
  40. Great Spotted Cuckoo
  41. Great White Pelican
  42. Greater Blue-eared Starling
  43. Greater Flamingo
  44. Green Sandpiper
  45. Helmeted Guinea Fowl
  46. Kori's Bustard
  47. Lappet-faced Vulture
  48. Lesser Flamingo
  49. Lesser Masked -Weaver
  50. Lesser Striped Swallow
  51. Lilac-breasted Roller
  52. Little Bee-eater
  53. Little Egret
  54. Long-tailed Cormorant
  55. Long-toed Lapwing
  56. Malachite Kingfisher
  57. Marabou Stork
  58. Northern Anteater-Chat
  59. Northern Yellow White-eye
  60. Pied Crow
  61. Pied Kingfisher
  62. Rattling Cisticola
  63. Red-billed Duck
  64. Red-billed Firefinch
  65. Red-billed Oxpecker
  66. Red-billed Quelea
  67. Red-cheeked Cordonbleu
  68. Red-eyed Dove
  69. Red-knobbed Coot
  70. Red-necked Spurfowl
  71. Rock Martin
  72. Rufous-naped Lark
  73. Rufous-tailed Weaver
  74. Ruppell's Starling
  75. Saddle-billed Stork
  76. Secretarybird
  77. Silverbird
  78. Southern Ground Hornbill
  79. Speckled Mousebird
  80. Speckled Pigeon
  81. Spur-winged Lapwing
  82. Squacco Heron
  83. Superb Starling
  84. Swahili Sparrow
  85. Tawny Eagle
  86. Temminck's Courser
  87. Village Weaver
  88. Vitelline Masked-Weaver
  89. Water Thick-knee
  90. Wattled Lapwing
  91. Western Yellow Wagtail
  92. White-backed Vulture
  93. White-bellied Bustard
  94. White-browed Robin-Chat
  95. White-browed Sparrow Weaver
  96. White-faced Whistling-duck
  97. White-headed Buffalo Weaver
  98. White-rumped Shrike
  99. Wood Sandpiper
  100. Yellow-billed Oxpecker
  101. Yellow-billed Stork


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