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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

HEY, I'm talking hair!

Whew! The 2 day marathon in Vallejo is o-vah! My hair is officially wearing the look that I hope, as the Scotts say, will 'see me ooot (out)'. I wrote a while back that while in Colorado I was told about a new style (system?) of 'braiding' hair called Sister Locks. So that's what I was doing all weekend, getting my hair done by a nice lady, Lana, my new 'hair consultant'. She was sweet enough to let me just stay at her house for the entire braid-a-thon, saving me the (1.5 hr drive) between Fair Oaks & Vallejo on Saturday night.

The entertainment while getting my hair done was a marathon of movies, from I am Legend & Good Luck Chuck to
The Bucket List - 5 movies in all. The Bucket List the most thought provoking. I'm now formulating my own bucket list (things I want to accomplish/enjoy before I kick it). I was insufferably pleased to realize I've already crossed several things from 'Claire's Bucket List', such as seeing Alaska, birding Yellowstone & the Florida Everglades, seeing a Blue Whale and getting my birding life list up over 500. V. cool. On the flip side, some things on my list are doomed to failure. For example, my Mr. Right must have died in Viet Nam or more likely, last week in San Francisco, he married Mr. Right.

Ok, back to my hair. Here's a smiggin of a photo immediately after my hair was done. Notice how very fine the individual 'Sister Locks' or 'braids' are. Again, cool.

Fresh Locks

It's going to take a while for the hair to settle in and not look drastic. What with my pale scalp and dark hair, my head looks like a checkerboard just now. I'm thinking 'scarf' - at least for a month or two.