So we got up this morning, ate a LONG breakfast, sat in the back yard yakking, went for a quick swim, then headed for the movies in Roseville.
Even though SatC has been out since late May, it was still sold out when we got to the theater. No biggie - we got tickets for the next screening but that meant (drat!) we had to go next door to the theater for a yummy sushi lunch at Mikuni's Japanese restaurant *belch*.
Totally enjoyed the movie, though I admit, I enjoyed having company to sit in the back yard with even more. I don't really sit out in my back yard much. I don't even have lawn furniture out there anymore because every freakn' kitty in the neighborhood gets more lounge time on the furniture than I do (I do have foldable camp chairs which are quite comfy, thankyouverymuch).
Hey! While on the topic of the garden, I never showed off what happened to the stuff I planted back in March.

Aha! And below is the first and only orchid that my birding buddy done gave me that lived. I think I've murdered some twenty something orchids from him. HEY! We can't all have green thumbs you know. I think this one lived because I ignored it. Sometimes a plant, well you know, it just wants to be left alone.