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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hen Party Finale

Part of our deal for the Guest Inn was breakfast both mornings. Breakfast ran from 7 AM to 9 AM, so I was understandably worried when I woke and saw it was already a bit past 8AM. We were in danger of, *GASP* missing breakfast. PANIC!
Worry not, we hiked over to Crocker Dining Hall and were quickly seated for a really nice breakfast and loads of fortifying coffee. I rather liked getting in a nice little walk before breakfast. The Crocker Hall routine they take your meal ticket and seat you (& you thought meal tickets was just a linguistic expression!) . Then you're off to pick up breakfast at the chef's window. We never had to deal with a line there, thus the smiles in the photo below.

The early birds gets the best breakfast entree

Asilomar's Crocker Dining Hall
And after breakfast it was a nice cool walk back to the Inn. Loads of deer at Asilomar. When we got back from breakfast we discovered Nancy was off on a hike of her own. Inspired, Robbie and Ingrid went off on a hike too. Myself and Diane opted to hang out and guard the Inn - um... really, somebody had to. Late morning. here is Ingrid, just outside the Inn, where a doe and her 3/4 grown fawns, strolled our front door.

Our Hen Headquarters was temporary, but we were there long enough to have guests. Barbara and her friend Claudette came to for a nice visit.

Barb and Claudette take off

gifted from her flock to our flock

Late that afternoon came a long discussion over a vital issue - were we having dinner in or out? Would we catch a play or sit just around and chat? If we opted for a play, was it going to be 'Oliver!' or Hamlet? Consider that Nancy's sister's daughter 'Claire', was in a local production of 'Oliver!'. Claire was a baby the last time I saw her, and is a tweenie now. On the other hand, Julia was performing in Hamlet, which up till now I've managed to miss. Wait - that didn't come out right. I wasn't avoiding Hamlet, he just hasn't traveled in my circle until now.

So, the final decision, dinner and a play: Hamlet. Well, you can't beat the classics. I was sorry to miss seeing Claire though. Life is always a little better with a Claire in it. Trust me on that one.

The first half of dinner & theater was din-din at the Fishwife, a restaurant I've previously had the pleasure to dine at. The place outdid itself this evening, serving up, for myself and Robbie, a perfectly delish calamari steak. We all totally enjoyed our meal, then we were off to the Theater!

Totally enjoyed seeing my first performance of Hamlet. It was, as Shakespear presented by accomplished performers, awesome. After the play, Julia told us their version excluded all politics, sticking to Hamlet's family's interactions. I felt rather grateful for such when Julia said a full run of the original Hamlet runs 4 hours! I haven't sat through a production that long since Ben Hur. As I recall, my behind fell asleep around the time of the chariot race.
Following the play we all congratulated Julia on her, as usual, on her excellent & v. regal performance. I can't believe I didn't think to take a photo of Julia and the gang. Would have been a perfect ending to a pretty much perfect day.