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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gulag Garden Revisted

Ah Spring! The birds are singing, Claire is sneezing and it's time to mess about in the garden again. Yesterday I potted up a hybrid tea rose 'Operetta'. I'm busting with pride. Only bought it two weeks ago. For me that is VERY rapid potting-up.

Pot O' lilies, Pot o' Operetta Rose

I was inspired to plant the rose because yesterday I hit the Capital Nursery yesterday and bought a bunch of flower seedlings. You know - so the rose wouldn't think too much of itself, getting planted in a pot of its own and all.

Lupine Seedlings

Pansies and new Columbine seedlings

Here is my pride and joy - 'Pixie Denia' Lilies, and Nerine Bowdenii (pink lily thingies) that survived from last year. They started popping up in their pots a couple of weeks ago. One day the pots were all dirt, the next, they were bulging with Lilie plants. I can't wait to see them bloom again.

More Denia Pixie Lilies and Nerine Bowdenii

Rocks are in some of the pots - as well as bamboo skewers - to keep Rum-kitty from making the pots into kitty loungers. A few years ago these pots held beautiful Stargazer Lilies until Rum planted his fuzzy arse on them. Kitties will be kitties I suppose.

The only things missing are the lovely Hollyhocks from the bulbs I bought last year at Cost-co. Uh... actually, those are still in the bottom of my fridge, waiting to be planted...