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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gulag Garden - Autumn Approaches

Future Tomatoes - Assuming the crop doesn't fail

Hurrah! My tomato crop is plugging along nicely. I started some heritage tomatoes from seed in the kitchen. Out of five seedlings, I have two plants that were stubborn enough to thrive despite of my so-called 'help'. It's a bit late for starting tomatoes, but heck, this is the Central Valley so the weather is still on my side. I might still get a few 'Black from Tula' , that is, Russian black tomatoes , out of this.

Wine Barrel Planter with my entire crop: 2 Tomato Plants - Cornered in a 'Tomato Cage', Planning Escape

I put pine cones in my planter containers to keep Rum-kitty from crushing down the plants, constructing himself a comfortable & thoroughly 'green' kitty bed (the little bugger).

[Management understand some believe Ms. Miller was inordinately mean on the topic of the current Alaskan Governor, Sara 'Legs' Mini-McClain. In Miller's defense she wishes to point out that even Alaskans aren't too crazy about the [explicative] Alaskan Governor.]