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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Joann Sent Me Back a Horse!

When anyone I know is going on a vacation, I ask them to bring something back for me. It's a imposition I realize, but I must be humored. Down in beautiful San Diego, my buddies Joann and Gene were off on a day-cation (known at my end as a 'mini-break'). Darned if they were sweet enough to remember my request - 'While you're off galavanting around, don't forget to bring me back a horse!'

Digital, smigital, a horse is a horse, of course, of course.

Here is the exceptional herd that Joann & Gene sent to me.

Gene making friends with Sunshine, the Missouri Walker

A Tennessee Walker in this season's most fashionable Red Roan

Joanne's friend Lorraine having a go on the gentlest ride on the spread

Her Majesty, Tony, the Welsh Pony -
just drop your curtsy and move it on down the line!

Ok, this is weird

On Friday, out of the blue, in the elevator on the way out of my office, I found myself thinking about a moldy, oldie, "where-the-hell did that come from?", Rin tin-tin.

Yes. I was thinking of the television series, so ancient that I doubted anyone, short of other human fossils, like myself, could remember the show. I don't imagine I've thought of the program since...Hector was a pup? Still, I there I was on my way home, musing over Rin-flippin'-Tin, the brave German Shepard. His master was a round-faced kid, the other running dog fascist working hard to rid the west of its aboriginal inhabitants. Why out-of-the-blue was I thinking about Rin-tin-tin?

Flash forward two days, to this morning. My little Sunday ritual - just watching my weekly DVR recording of Sunday Morning on CBS. I watch the show purely for the thrill of its final 30 seconds; that showcases live video of some wonderful bits of wilderness; sometimes it's flowers in a gentle breeze in some Massachusetts meadow, another time it might be alligators in some Texas slough. This morning the wilderness was a herd of bison with adorable red calves, frolicking in Montana's LaMar Valley.

Where was I? Oh yeah, back to this morning! On another enjoyable bit of CBS Sunday Morning, the almanac segment; feature of the week? Yes, it was Rin-tin-tin!

Was I flabbergasted, gob-smacked or thrown for a loop - your choice.

So what can I conclude? Sheer coincidence that out of the blue I thought about Rin-tin-tin and also out of the blue the show was featured on television? Or is there some weird thing going on in which if enough people are thinking of a topic, perhaps their electrical brain waves fly around, setting ideas in to people's noggins?

I wasn't thinking of Rin-tin-tin because I read or saw anything about the dog - it was that sudden; one minute I was pressing the elevator button, wondering if I could catch the 4:15 tram, the next I was pondering Rin-tin-tin. Heh... did my mind pick up airborne electrical thought waves out of the sky? Or does all of this only prove I am certifiably mental? Probably a little of each, but we already know that, don't we?

In other Sunday morning news, I finally baked what I've fantasized about for a couple of weeks now - a nice bread pudding, 1/2 made with fresh blueberries, the other half made with those colorful, juicy Trader Joes' fat yellow/red/deep purple raisins. Oh YUM!