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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Our Final Day on Maui and a Last Miracle... or Two

We had another late start today. It was around 10 o'clock when we caravan-ed a short way up the coast, with me driving with Steve and Jeffery. When I saw Ron driving the van into the parking lot at Kapalua Bay beach, I thought not only had Ron had lost his mind. No way was there any chance of finding an parking spot there, for one car, much less two. I mean, what insanity! And lo... the mynas did sing... as Ron drove around a corner, we spotted a white van pulling out of a spot, and Ron signaled me to park there. As I pulled into the spot, A group of people walked towards us, and climbed into the large SUV I'd just parked next to. I know! I was speechless too!

Stephie and Ron headed to the beach

We had two parking spaces, side by side. Surely, Norma, the unofficial goddess of parking watches over us.
The tidy shores of Kapalua Bay

We found a nice spot to spread out our towels on a sandy ledge overlooking the beach. Everyone was going in to snorkel, but for Jeannie and little Gracie. I kept telling myself there are far worse fates than snorkeling on Maui without an underwater camera - DUH! When we all got in the water I was absolutely pleased to see the clearest, cleanest, grit free, water I've been in all week. Kanaloa, the Hawaiian god of the ocean was smiling today.

Teardrop Butterflyfish
Alas, no fishy photos for me, but I made mental notes of them. I know I saw at least one new one, the Teardrop Butterflyfish. There are others but will only force you to admire this this adorable spotty pair whose pic I lifted from the internet.

We left in the afternoon and back at the resort everyone rested up and got ready for our last evening in Maui. Late in the afternoon we dropped Steve and Stephie off at Maalaea Harbor. There they caught a dinner cruise for what I hope was a lovely romantic evening for the pair of them - Ron & Jeannie had all three kiddies for the evening. What do you do with three rambunctious kids? You drop them off at the ocean to play in the surf, of course!

Jordon and Jeffery ran in and out of the ocean, wave chasing until the Hawaiian peepees - the Hawaiian cows - came home. 

Jeannie kept an eye on the romping twins while
toddler Gracie hangs at her side

Still amazes me how you can practically have a whole beach for yourself

Creepy Crustacean

A little girl, sitting on some drift wood shrieked, pointing at a spot on the sand. A lady picked it up, and the little girl - with all the authority of her 6 years, declared the little handful was a baby turtle; after all, it did have a shell.

Being a bit pretentious meself, I insisted it was no reptile, but a kind of crab that I've seen before in California, a mole crab or some such. The little girl assured me, I was wrong, a shell is a shell after all.

Whatever the hell it was, it was creepy!

I did not get back in the water at this lovely cove, and sadly, it's because I wasn't excited about sitting around in wet clothing for the remainder of the evening. Isn't it just plain sad when we 'grow up' and lose that 'live in the now' not in the 'eeeewww damp' world? Tsk, tsk. Must remember to grow up down.

The dusk, with Lanai in the distance
Fishermen trying for the last fish of the day at sundown
When it was finally too dark to romp in the surf, the boys were still annoyingly energetic and lively. Why is all that energy wasted on the young, and omygawd I am getting old, aren't I? Ron, Jeannie, the kids and I dined at a lovely little Thai restaurant for dinner. Afterwards they all went to pick up Steve and Stephie from their dinner cruise and I headed back to the resort to finish packing and get ready to leave Maui in the morning. Tomorrow morning the gang will head back to California, and I am off to the most Hawaiian of the Hawaiian islands - or so I am told. Will miss Maui. The snorkeling on Kapalua Bay was heavenly and I only wish I'd discovered the wonders of Snuba sooner. Oh well, there you go, another reason to come back to Maui some day.