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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Grand Birds in the Grand Canyon & the Journey's End

We were seated and enjoying some lunch near the Grand Canyon Visitor Center when my nephew said there was a 'red bird over there'. I took no notice really, thinking he must have spotted a House Finch or some such bird I could see just as easily back home. But I decided to be respectful of William's birding so I looked up to see.... WTF...? It was a Red Crossbill, seated atop a pine.

I took a few zillion photos of the bird species I don't see as often as I see too often and told William what a fantastic score the 'red bird' was. Then I proceeded to (I hope) regail every poor soul within earshot about the wonders of Crossbills. Poor things... the people, not the birds.

I never photograph House Sparrows (I'm such a bigot) but I did so this once. 
Juniper Titmouse, so like the titmouses in my back yard, but a different species
William photographed this obliging Red-breasted Nuthatch
Do not believe I've ever seen a Dark-eyed Junco in this color palate before

Hoppy little White-breasted Nuthatch

Far off Clark's Nutcracker
Cassin's Finch
Shiny as heck Raven
On one of the park roads there was this 'watch out for Mountain Lions' signs. AS IF! I'd have wet myself - from over enthusiasm -  had we spotted a lion.

Here is the end of William and my wonderful cross country journey. We couldn't believe how fast two weeks shot past. We drove to Las Vegas tonight and holed up in the Luxor Hotel. William tried his hand at some gambling while his cranky Aunt stayed in and hit the sack. And tomorrow we drive home to my house in Fair Oaks, California. Wow. Twelve States, three National Parks, and umpteen events crossed off the bucket list. What a satisfying fortnight spree!

Grand Canyon: New and Again

South Rim Vista
Today held the fun of William's first view of the Grand Canyon, while for me it is a 2nd visit with a caveat. The caveat being that I visited was at the canyon in 2014 but on returning home my san disk card was MIA so no photos of that inspirational visit. So today was a photo opt free-for-all and even if I lose my photo card, chances are William isn't an absent minded klutz like his aunt.

Now - how about that scenery, eh?

We visited several rim scenic views which were each equally charming & rugged.

I birded as we toured, and I think that deserves a posting of its own. We stopped by my favorite bit of most parks, the visitor center. 

Grand as the Canyon, Visitor Center

Being a huge park, there are diverse Passbook stamps to collect - and I've got about half of them - yeah. I know. There's no prize for accumulating any of the things.
Stamps - th gold at the end of the park rainbow
Our last stop was the grand 'desert view'  tower. The Watchtower is famous for having been built for the sake of being built and for not actually existing for any reason other than for existing and looking cool. Works for me.
The Watchtower that has a sweeping 'desert view'

Visitors can hike up to the top, which, of course, I did not
The desert view
We spent part of the afternoon driving from one colorful scenic view to the next.

This shot of the Colorado River (?) was far off in the distance 

 Everywhere we went, ravens could be seen playing in the thermals, like mini-thunderbirds.
The Ravens flew everywhere
I spent a lot of my afternoon watching and photographing birds. And how about those birds!