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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who's That at the Door!

Gene & Joann on the Fair Oaks Bridge

Gene & Joann were up from San Diego this week. They graced me with their company for a couple of days and we had a blast. Sunday afternoon we lit out for dinner at Carmelita's, a locally famous and popular Mexican food restaurant. I asked the waiter a question that bothered me for ages - why did Carmelita's tear the old restaurant down and build a newer, fancier one with a similar layout? Turns the old place burned down! Should have asked about it ages ago. Suffice to say we made short work of our dinners - yum!

Any outing in Old Fair Oaks requires a quick drive through the center of the village for some feral chicken watching. Then I decided why not show off the also locally famous Fair Oaks Bridge? Soon we were parked near the bridge and out walking 2 stories above the American River. Below us by the river kids and adults splashed in the river, and on the bridge we greeted lots of walkers, taking time to pet their pups.

There was a park on the other side of the bridge and I was curious as to what park it is, but all the people we asked, had no clue either. As we chatted, a local I had never taken Gene or Joann to came to my mind for tomorrow. Soon we meandered back to the car, where Gene noticed I'd parked in a NO PARKING AT ANY TIME zone... oops.  There was no ticket on the windshield so we stole away like happy thieves... no, make that lucky thieves in the night.

Tom Turkey showing off for us

Our next stop is now a happy tradition when Gene & Jo visit - we went 'deer hunting' in Sunrise Park. We don't load muskets and take aim, we load our cameras and pray for enough light to take fair to middlin' photographs. We appreciate any wildlife we see, and tonight we did just fine.

Two does and a yearling buck with budding horns
Even a few wildflowers in view - these are Parentucellia
At the end of the day try as I might, I can't remember where it was I planned to take them tomorrow. Racking my brain to no avail. where the heck...? Oh well! Where ever we go, we're sure to have a good time.