It occurred to me I haven't yet posted for 2012, so we may all assume the year is off to a slow and steady pace. I barfed in the New Year & am only just feeling back to normal post-flu. The weather has been v. cold, particularly nights & my hens whom for unknown reasons, chose this frigid weather as their opportunity to molt. The back yard looks like a pit-bull pulled off a fight with a feather bed.
The two-legged Hens have all individually begun pushing for a Hen Party. I think everyone just woke up one morning and were agog that our last Hen Party was in September of 2010. Dates are being trounced about and late March will most probably fit the bill for our get together. We're particularly antsy to get things rolling as Hen Ingrid will be going into the Peace Corps this August. Ooooo we are all so proud of our adventurous hen!
I'm participating in a free on line program called Codeacademy, sworn to teach a b'jillion people
computer programing in 2012. So... started the program this week and already feel like a moron. Problems is, as with most programing types, the person who wrote the lessons seems to think people reading the lessons already know programming. Why aren't these things either tested on computer know-nothings, or why aren't they tested on people with I.Q.s under Sheldon levels? HA! See what I did there? If you don't watch Big Bang Theory you can read that last sentence and have barely a clue what the hell I'm talking about. If you're comfortable with that, you might as well take the Codeacademy class with me, that way we can both be frustrated and pissy.