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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Dig Out the Quilt - Autumn is Here

Saturday morning of my 3-day weekend - woke up cold and stiff as an antarctic popsickle. I've hesitated to put the down quilt on my bed but I think it's time to get it out of mothballs. I climbed out of bed, stiff-legged it into the hallway and shivering, switched the thermostate from 'cool' to 'heat'. The heater turned on, I was thawed out and I think I'm going to live. Hurrah for Autumn! About time it got here. Of course had I looked out the window at my Hawthorn tree I would have seen it's Autumn. Love those scarlet berries. Going to be a bumper crop this year so the Cedar Waxwings will be eating like birdie royalty.

Got a call last night from buddy Don. He was passing through town today on his way to visit his friends in Auburn. Expecting company is always good for a nice kick in the arse towards house cleaning or, as in this particular case, decluttering. One shift of the Lazy-boy recliner and suddenly my living room was in Feng Shui shape, feeling open, airy and even brand new. If I had company every week I bet I'd be able to convince myself I'm living in a palace.

Don asked if I wanted to go off birding this afternoon but I'm totally in low gear - again. Opted to stay home this weekend and do some garden work. For the record, I'm taking bets if garden renovation will actually happen and the good money is not on me, it's on the weeds.