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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, October 09, 2023

Time for Pumpkins

Old timey truck, loaded up with fall harvest
 It's nearly Halloween and Pumpkin time! My exercise trainer Karina, suggested it is time we got out and hunted down some seasonal decor. So Karina picked me up and we visited a nearby neighborhood Pumpkin Patch, just off the Old Olympic Highway. 

Karina picking up a pumpkin. Last year we did an hour's worth of exercising using a pumpkin as a weight so this year
Last year for Halloween she had us exercising using pumpkins as weights. This year we won't be exercising with them, just picking them. The pumpkin patch had little wagons for piling on your pumpkins and toting them around. Karina and I each chose 2 or 3 pumpkins that seemed to 'call to us' to take them home. It was fun, wandering around the sunny field, finding just the right pumpkins. 

Come to think on it, I've never been in a pumpkin field before. I recall back in California one year, several Indian Museum docents and I walked - and got lost - in a Halloween corn maze. That was fun, and no pumpkins were josled or poked. 

The ginormous field today was full up with pumpkins great and pumpkins small. It wa also full up of people - the big and the small - all picking out pumpkins of their choosing. 

The largest of the pumpkins were rather tall. 

This is a baby pumpkin, all green and not ready for picking.

A nice assortment of different pumpkin varieties
 on a picnic bench under an old apple tree

The pumpkin patch is just a few hundred feet from the merchantiles. We had to go there to pay for our pumpkins. But just before we did that, we visited the little two little piggies. They were in a large wired pen, surrounded by pumpkin shells, apples and hay. I think by mid December they are going to be the piggies might reach the size of semi-trucks. 

Speaking of little piggies, When I brought home my pumpkins, they went right under the Flown Piggies Farm Sign, where I think they look pretty darn good.