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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Huzzah, VISTORS!


Nancy & Rick on Hurricane Ridge

Since before I even left Sacramento, family, friends and I had already begun to look forward to visiting me in Washington state. The first of my friends to visit me happened this week when Rick & Nancy, friends of mine for decades, popped by. They were on the return end of a sojourn north to Coeur d'Alene Idaho to visit family, and were headed back to California. The excitement of seeing my Sacto friends & the thrill of getting my recently furbished guest room occupied at last.  

Side note here, I having just arrived home from my trip to Utqiaġvik, was shocked to find whil
Rick walking Lady Chori
e I was away, Barbara (my next door neighbor and friend) was in the hospital! She came down with severe gastrointestinal problems, called an ambulance and ended up hospitalized in Seattle. She survived the ordeal and I picked her up, bringing her home. While she was gone, her poor pets were bereft of their 'Mom'. Rick volunteered to take Chori out walking. Good dog! Good dog-step-daddy!

Rick and Nancy spent one day out hiking and sight seeing on their own. One day I drove them up to one of my fav spots, up the long road to Hurricane Ridge. The ridge is a wonderful place to enjoy the majesty that is the Olympic Mountain Range. Photos were taken in abundance and we bought and enjoyed lunch on the vista view at the Visitor Center. 
The Olympics, which do not include gymnastics, fencing or equestrian events

Myself, I go up there frequently in my ever futile search for the Brown-crowned Rosy-Finch. Alas! No Rosy-Finches, but many Mule Deer up and down the mountainside plus one surprise. 

View from Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center, down hill to where an adorable polka dot grazed in the grass. 

The polka dot is a Black Bear. 

Following lunch, we drove to a popular mountainside hiking area. There, Rick & Nancy enjoyed a walk, but it ended early due to some typical, two-faced mountain weather - changeable on a dime - it began to rain. 

Me, I skipped the hike (no surprises there), preferring instead to exploring the local flora. Shown here are Avalanche Lilies, that had popped up along the roadway. 
Avalanche Lilies

It was wonderful having my buds visit. As in days of yore, we enjoyed group prep of food and surprising each other with various dishes, most notably breakfasts and dinners. Rick made a tasty chicken enchilada dish which I suspect will be duplicated on Flown Piggies Farm in future. Was totally bummed to see them drive off into the sunset, so to speak, but I'll see them again, and there will be others, Covid willing.