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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

A Visit with Judy and Julia.

Barbara and Tante Judy

My buddy Barbara and I haven't had a visit since the Hen Party last September - an unbelieveably long time for us. We had a great time catching up with our doings in Fairfield. Then we drove over her Aunt Judy's pretty home in the Napa Valley for an overnight stay. It was a great visit - we chatted from noon to midnight - literally! I haven't stayed up that late in ages.

At the risk of presenting another 'food and friends' post here I must carry on about the food. Ok, I admit, it's my choice to focus on the food when visiting, but when visiting with Tante Judy, how could I not be so inclined? She has fed me the only Julia Child recipes I've ever had the great pleasure to dine on. See an example of Judy's talent just below. I mean, could Julia have made a prettier presentation of her Cheese blintz with Cranberry sauce, sour cream and a dusting of lemon zest? I think not.

Judy & Julia Present: Cheese Blintz - Yummm...

Judy is Barbara's Aunt. I've know Judy since I was around 21 years old and visited with her family around the holidays with the Albertson family. Not to sound greedy, but very-nearly my first memory of Judy was her making homemade truffles at Thanksgiving - home made truffles were an unknown concept for me - and she let me have the bowl of gateau au chocolat and cocoa powder - the equivalent of letting 'moi' lick the spoon. I was in love with Judy in an instant - yes, sadly, my affection can be bought for chocolate. But then, again, I'd love Judy anyway, she's one great lady.

Judy - on second thought, sweets or no, I love her

Judy's "Mr. Entertainment Committee" - Nicholas

[Management appologizes for Miss Miller who upon returning from a short trip discovered she neglected to post this blog entry before leaving. Sorry for the delay.]