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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

North Again

[And once agian, Ms Miller is passes off the past tense as the present tense - tsk, tsk, tsk]

Full of Spring and energy, I've decided it's high time to visit the redwoods. My buddy Barb decided to escape her place for a bit so she and I are once again travel buddies. We drove 3 hours north to Redding, stopping at the Sacramento Wildlife refuge for an hour's quick look-see.

The refuge wildflower display was so-so when compared to
Bear Valley or Vernal Pools, but it had its own panache

unassuming wildflower - Brass Buttons

Barbara was amazed that I liked Bindweed -
a noxious weed you don't want in your garden

From Redding we headed west to the coast, passing through BIGFOOT territory.

We were too late in the day to visit the Bigfoot Museum,
but I like to think they watched us as we passed through Trinity County

We were supposed to overnight in Redding, but we continued on the four hours through to Crescent City only just below the Oregon border on the coast.

It really is a hecka long drive up up there - sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get tired of going up there to relax, visit with my friend Inez and walk among the redwoods. Right - as if. The views, cool ocean breezes always make it worthwhile. I've made the pilgramage once, sometimes twice a year since 2001. It really does a soul good. I mean, just check out the view from the motel window.