It being a Sunday and all, we went for a Sunday drive. It's amazingly only about an hour southeast of my house. So off we went, guided by GPSs ('cause I sure as hell didn't know the way) and along the way enjoyed the sights, weaving through the foothills on the country backroads.
than pink flamingos in their front yard
Took as hour to reach our goal, Indian Grinding Rock State Park. We started off in the the Chaw'se Regional Indian Museum, chatting with the ranger 'bout this n' that but then we were off for a walk. Why spend time indoors with so many nifty things to see on a sunny Spring day?
The Roundhouse is beautiful, and still functions as a meeting place for area Indians to have Big Time celebrations.
I've never been to see the dances at the Roundhouse but some day I hope to give it a visit and maybe even join in on a dance.
Along the path through the park there is a Miwok Indian Village that is used for primitive camping by different groups. Wish the heck I had to opportunity to try camping in such an inspirational setting.
The meadow adjacent to the Miwok Houses was dotted with tiny blue and white flowers, Baby Blue Eyes.

Ah! What a beautiful day - had a scenic, flower strewn drive home, though every drive in the Gold Country foothills is a scenic drive.