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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, November 07, 2013

New York, New York!

Late yesterday afternoon, I sat enthralled. My forehead pressed against a jet window, staring at the most amazing view of New York City I've ever seen. If you're wondering where the photos of that sight are, there are none - at least none taken by me. We'd been told to turn off our phones and that was the only camera I had handy. GAK! I resolved to myself I'd have to hold the memory in my mind's eye for once. I watched as we all slowly coasted up along the southern tip of Manhattan. The whole of the city I was born in, looked like an exhibit in Legoland; completely unreal. The setting sun was low in the sky and gave all the skyscrapers an unreal golden glow. I momentarily freaked as the jet skipped over the Bronx and kept heading north. For one weird moment I wondered if I'd gotten on the wrong jet and was headed for Bangor Maine or something. But eventually the jet turned south and we landed at La Guardia.

I got to my sister Dolores' house in Manhattan safe and sound, via a shuttle. Must say, my sister is looking her usual beautiful self. This morning - Thursday - Dolores and I were picked up and driven to the Bronx where we visited with my big brother Juan.
My Sibs, Dolores and Juan

Back in the day, before Juan's medical turnaround,  most visits we would get into scrapes for one stupid reason or another. It's funny now how that fractious part of our relationship is over and done forever. Now when we get together I only remember all the reasons I've loved him. It is like it was only yesterday my big brother would take me to Coney Island or the Bronx Zoo when I was little and he was my total hero.

This visit was kind of fun because Dolores did not tell Juan I was going to visit, so I was a bit of a surprise for his birthday which is this Saturday. Around the time Dolores and I took our leave of Juan, Gloria, Juan's wife, came by with clothing and such for Juan. She drove Dolores and myself back to Dolores's apartment on 145th street.

Dolores and Gloria
Bernice - eighty-eight and still pretty in pink

Late afternoon, Dolores and I took a taxi over to visit my Godmother Bernice. She doesn't live more than a few miles from Dolores's place. I was tickled to see Bernice and a little bummed to hear she'd had a fall mishap and a bit of surgery. Now mind you - there is no grass growing under my Godmother (there is loads growing under me!). She walks or takes the bus or subway everywhere she goes. And she goes! She has lots of activities including tutoring at a local elementary school twice a week. If I took a page from her book I'd be in good shape, I can tell you. As Bernice told Dolores and I about her hip adventure it didn't take long to tell it hasn't got the better of her. No one in bad shape can possibly have that  lively a glint in their eyes.

Our visit with Bernice was only an hour or so, and then Dolores and I headed back home. There, Dolores, Gloria and I ended the day with a take-away Chinese and Japanese dinner and more than a little excitement for tomorrow's trip. Dolores, my cousin Rhonda and I are heading down to Washington DC for a glorious weekend meet up with our Girlie Cousins!