How quickly the bay-bays grow! All but one have already lost their egg tooths. They seem quite at home in their chickarium (large Rubbermaid tub). The tub does not give them the recommended 2 sq/ft per chick - it's a quarter that size. But, I bought two tubs, so at some point there will be two chickariums. Here they are in their current chick dorm.
Note the play ladder - so far one used it to prop herself as she nappedI've gingerly handled the chicks so far, taking them in hand only when they need a bum wash -
again, don't even ask. My photography of them is fairly crappy thus far. I need to take them all out for a group portrait some time today. Here's one pigeon-toed chick looking daggers at me for taking her out of her warm dorm. Hum... need to break out the tripod to steady my shots.