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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dovin's 60th Birthday & Phoenix Pop-Up Reunion

Yes, the 'BIG SIX O' requires more than one cake
I just drove down from Sacramento to take part in surprising my cousin Dovin (pronounced 'DOUGH-vin') for his big 'Six Oh' birthday. His Sixtieth! 

I have fond memories of baby Dovin back when we all lived in the Bronx. I have many baby & toddler Dovin stories to share but will spare you just now. The surprise party was given by Dovin's sweetie, Rosa. The party happened at the home of his parents, my Aunt Arna & Uncle Matt - in Phoenix, Arizona. So that's where I am.  

As the party was a surprise for Dovin, his girlfriend Rosa blindfolded him. Then she drove him to the 'unknown location' for the 'unknown event'. Dovin was thoroughly dazzled when his blindfold was removed and everyone gleefully shouted Surprise at him - his whole gang was there: Dovin's kids in from out of town (Matthew, Timothy & Marissa), parents (Matt & Arna), his grandmother Hilda, a passel of out-of-town cousins, seemingly all of Rosa's family and many of Dovin's friends from 'back in the day'.  It truly was a full house, loaded with oodles of birthday well wishers. SURPRISE!
Dovin digging into a prezzie from loving well-wishers

Dovin enjoying a swig of some
homemade moonshine he got for his birthday. He was generous enough to let me take a swig. Wow, that was some smooth sipping white Lightning!

The two young men in the next photo are Dovin's son's Timothy (left) and Matt (right).

I must laugh at myself, because despite the photos & videos I took, I was totally unaware of Tim's presence at the party. Tim was in his work clothing, just having left his job at a veterinary clinic and I enjoyed chatting with him about his work. Did I know I was speaking to Dovin's youngest? Uh..., that would be a firm 'no'. Yeah, I have my 'clueless' days alright.

Rosa, the party hostess, in flowered blouse

Rosa hired a Mexican food caterer, so the food was both fresh, authentic & delish. My only excuse for not having photographed the excellent chow is I was too busy eating it, a theme that was to repeat itself later in the evening. Hey, you would have done the same.

The photo below is one of the few I took on the back patio where the party dining took place. I don't recall the name of the friendly guy at the left who is one of Dovin's friends. The young lady in the stripped shirt with the phone is Dovin's daughter Marissa. That's Jonniann in the black top and then 'young' Matthew (so as not to confuse him with his grandfather Matt).
'Young Matt' is also known as Mathew Jones the third 
Matt and David conversing
 Now with all the people present for this grand party, you'd think one of us would have remembered to get a grand photo of everyone. Well, nope. None of us thought of it until half the guests had departed, which includes cousins David & Tom, Uncle Matt's mom Hilda. I can kick myself for botching the chance of getting a decent Pop-up Reunion group photo. We did get a photo, but it is not as 'full' as it ought to have been.

In the pic, left to right are Jonniann, Charlaine, Matthew III, a high school buddy of Dovin's, Marissa, Birthday Boy Dovin, Rosa and front & center looking gorgeous in gold & beautiful inside & out, Aunt Arna.

Must tell you that after the group photos were taken, Dovin opened his prezzie from his Denver Cousin's David & Tom. Homemade-by-David coconut breads, two different ones, using different recipes. This was a hallmark moment as Coconut bread - so sweet it correctly ought to be called Coconut Cake - is a hallmark treat for the Carter Clan. Coconut Bread had been my mother's speciality and she would make it often for various occasions and non-occasions. David dutifully has taken on the role of family Coconut Bread baker and I know my Mom would approve. Dovin was given two different recipes of David-made bread and all of us had samples from both. Everyone had their favorites but the clear winning bread was delightfully moist and its coconut tasted 100% fresh, although David says he used coconut flakes that he reconstituted. If Dovin thought HIS birthday Coconut Bread was all going into his stomach, he was sadly mistaken.

Thanks for sharing with us Dovin, and thanks David for baking the treats!

HOW DID I NOT TAKE PHOTOS OF THE COCONUT BREAD TASTING! UHG! Geez, but I fell down on this, again because I was too busy stuffing my face to take proper note of the significance of the event. Oh. Well.

At right are a pair of professional Coconut Breads that hire themselves out for occasions such as this, where they pretend to be the confections in question. I'm believing this... I'm inhaling that delicate scent of baked love... Yeah, I'm drooling here.

[UPDATE: So on a recent visit with Arna & Matt, it was pointed out to me the young man who worked at the vet office that I chatted with is not Timmy. Yes, Timmy was at Dovin's party, but I'm at a loss to point him out. I am sooo confused & deficient in my face ID skills. ]