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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gulag Garden Revisted

Ah Spring! The birds are singing, Claire is sneezing and it's time to mess about in the garden again. Yesterday I potted up a hybrid tea rose 'Operetta'. I'm busting with pride. Only bought it two weeks ago. For me that is VERY rapid potting-up.

Pot O' lilies, Pot o' Operetta Rose

I was inspired to plant the rose because yesterday I hit the Capital Nursery yesterday and bought a bunch of flower seedlings. You know - so the rose wouldn't think too much of itself, getting planted in a pot of its own and all.

Lupine Seedlings

Pansies and new Columbine seedlings

Here is my pride and joy - 'Pixie Denia' Lilies, and Nerine Bowdenii (pink lily thingies) that survived from last year. They started popping up in their pots a couple of weeks ago. One day the pots were all dirt, the next, they were bulging with Lilie plants. I can't wait to see them bloom again.

More Denia Pixie Lilies and Nerine Bowdenii

Rocks are in some of the pots - as well as bamboo skewers - to keep Rum-kitty from making the pots into kitty loungers. A few years ago these pots held beautiful Stargazer Lilies until Rum planted his fuzzy arse on them. Kitties will be kitties I suppose.

The only things missing are the lovely Hollyhocks from the bulbs I bought last year at Cost-co. Uh... actually, those are still in the bottom of my fridge, waiting to be planted...


  1. Far cry from making deposits in off the road corn fields.Tee Hee.One never knows what our vegetables our watered with.Do we?

  2. HAHAHAHA! Yes! Precisely why we wash the veggies before eating. I sometimes forget to, then afterwards I wonder... : O
