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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Monday, March 11, 2019

A Unique & Delightful Anniversary

Here is an email I just recieved from my 'new' cousin David. I am putting it here because David relates our history so well here, with such emotion, and clarity. And of course I added photos, well, just because.

William Hickson Cuthbert White
Dear Cousin Claire:

Today is the 2 year anniversary  that I received my 23andMe ancestry results and discovered my African roots.  That same day I sent you a message via Ancestry as I saw my grandfather, mother and aunt and uncle on your family tree.  When I saw my grandfather had a sister I knew I must be related to many on your tree.  And as it turns out I am.  I loved our beginning email relationship as it gave me joy to be connected to you and a feeling I was connected to my grandfather.  My first feelings were of sadness and pain for my grandfather and further delving into "passing" I have discovered it was not easy and was quite a sacrifice both logistically and emotionally.  I am currently reading another book about passing and this is a true story and the author also includes lots of history and facts.  The author is Bliss Broyard and the book is titled "One Drop"  The author's father "passed" and she found out on his death bed.  Later, she discovers his family many of whom were too dark to pass, although many were very light skinned and chose not to pass.  Anyway...............  Your return email welcoming me to the Carter family and our beginning email relationship and then meeting was so joyous for me.  And now here we all are connected and I am filled with love and joy.

San Diego Pop-up
I was so sad you missed the San Diego pop-up mini and I almost did not go because you were not going to be there.  But I did go and I was so glad that we did go but remember at that  time I was so worried about you.  That entire weekend was so joyous, loving and wonderful.  What makes me pause when I think about it was the first night at Cousin Charlaine's house we were all gathered and all but Cousin Carol were new to me.  A good bit into the evening Cousin Max announces that his grandmother Adele and my grandfather Cuthbert must be celebrating in Heaven to see all of us connected.  I thought and felt the same thing and I still do....................... the separation for the wrong reasons has now been righted.

I still think about our first meeting and how wonderful and emotional it was.   And wonderful Jen was our host. Then we were off to Atlanta for Uncle Calvin's Celebration of life.  I have to tell you that trip I was more nervous than a longed tailed cat in a room full of rockers.  But
Atlanta for Uncle Calvin's Celebration of Life
David and Jonniann visiting at my house
again, was glad I went and met more family.  Next was San Diego and was sorry you could not be there.  Prior to that I did surprise you by showing up at CTC as I could not stand it not knowing how you were being cared for.  Mind you, I worried I was overstepping and you would be offended but I followed my heart.  That trip to see you included a dinner with Cousin Vincent and his family.  Next was Colorado and that was so wonderful to see everyone again and share my home state that I love.  It was so good to just spend time in family love.  Then the unexpected meeting at Cousin Dovin's surprise birthday party.  How fun was that!?!  And our most recent pop-up mini  in Sacramento was so fun.  We did plan a good  one there and I think all  had a good time including Gavyn and Elyse.  Was sorry Elaine had her car trouble and could not make it.  But, how fun to have a pop-up on your home turf.  The aerospace museum was better than  I expected and I loved we had the history there of Air Force and Coast Guard family.  And, you had time with Jonniann and Charlaine.  And, I loved our lunch
afternoon with you and Jonniann.

I guess today feels very special and emotional for me.  Sad that my grandfather felt he had to "pass" and joyous that I am connected to all of my family who was a secret but now all know.  I have cherished our relationship from the email beginning and especially the in person meetings.  In life I believe there are no accidents and all of this was meant to happen.  How lucky I am............................................

So, at some point I would like to discuss Cousin Dovin's wedding.  I was so flattered and touched that he called me personally and invited me. Tom  and I have investigated getting there from Phoenix and found a van service that will take us to and from.  I figured if you, Cousin Jonniann and Cousin Charlaine were interested we could all share that and then no one would have to drive.  I have no interest in taking a rental car through the Mexican desert.  Anyway...........................  let's discuss.

I am so glad to know you and the bonus is that we are related.  What a joyous 2 years and I love DNA discovery.  And, the SAC min pop-up was so fun and loved it was on your home turf -- how fun is that!!!

Ok, I must be off as I am off of a 24 hour shift.  Looking forward to our next meeting.

Love and fist bumps,
Cousin David

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am sooo lucky! You can read about the first 'historic' meeting of David, Tom and Myself HERE.

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