Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Pop-up Reunion and a visit to McClellan Air Force Base
All ready to board limo-bus
Today was the big day of our Family Pop-up Reunion. Charlaine, Jonniann and I made it to our rendezvous spot where we were greeted by Cousin's David & Tom who are staying with now-officially-family, Andrew & Jen.
Our gracious as heck hosts: Jen and Andrew
Wasn't long before the-cousin-of-my-birth-month Yvonne arrived. She is staying with her nephew - who is my second cousin - Vincent and his family, Peta-Gaye and their kids, Elyse and Gavyn. Lots of greetings and hugs, followed by our Hobbit 2nd breakfast as prepared for us by incredible head chef Jen.
Everyone gathered and ready for Pop-up Reunion Fun
Before long, the limo bus that David arranged to pick us up, arrived & we were off.
Loaded up and ready for fun: left to right are David, Tom, Charlaine, the twins, Gavyn & Elyse, Vincent, Peta-Gaye, Yvonne and Jonniann
Arriving at the McClellan Air Force Base Museum.
David, took on the task himself of doing all the planning for our Sacto reunion - thanks again David! He wisely guessed that as Cousin Yvonne's father, Calvin had a long career in the air force, we would all enjoy the legacy he left to all of us.
Marveling at aerial view of the museum's many exhibits
A tiny bit of the View
The first thing we did was the most fun - certainly in my view. All of those of us who are air-sick proof, got to pilot our own planes - at the Flight Simulation Center. So cool!
Look at the concentration on the face of young pilot Elyse
The Flight Simulation room had many simulators set up so several of us could have a go all at once.
There will be video of our actual flights, and bombing runs & crashes (!), later in this post.
A pilot's eye view
The simulated flights were the bees knees, or wings as it were. Loved it!
Our guide was a former pilot and he really knew his stuff.
The museum had a lot of things from the Apollo Moon missions including a couple of claustrophobia inducing space suits.
Examining the 'Snoopy' Reconnaissance Drone used in Viet Nam
Getting some questions answered for potential Air Force recruit Gavyn
After touring the massive hanger and it's many jets and planes, we went out side to continue our tour.
The twins enjoyed handling big ole' bullets
Took a lickin' and kept on tickin'
Some of the planes, still have the holes to show the damage those bullets could do. The planes on display served through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the middle east. Some planes were fighters, others were used to rescue and serve.
There was a Mig fighter back from the days of the Cold War. The Migs weren't on our side but yikes, they are legendary.
There was a nice old Blue Angels jet with paint all scuffed up. I have been lucky enough to never go to a Blue Angels demonstration, but to luck out and see the jets shooting by, in formation, up to loops and such, practicing over San Francisco and later again, over San Diego. I used to have all the luck!
This Blue Angels jet is in its well deserved retirement
We even got to climb on board several planes & make our selves comfy while our guide gave us the scoop on the plane's history.
Vincent enjoys the seat that various dignitaries once relaxed in
Under Restoration? I wanna fly this baby NOW!
This particular jet was used to transport dignitaries from one place to another. It's official famous status is because it transported the likes of the Shah of Iran and his wife, Empress Farah, Henry Kissinger, and former California governor George Deukmejian among others. It's local fame at the air museum is because the jet was at the use of a General, whose bossy wife got the last say in the sky blue decor of the jet. As they say, happy general's wife, happy general's life.
We also climbed on board a Coast Guard rescue plane.
Coast Guard Clipper
End of our tour, but not the end of our day
Headed back to Jen & Andrew's place
The fam dug into some family history via computer & big screen
It as a long and wonderful day. A full day of fun and family wasn't all of it. Vincent as our birthday guy and Peta-Gaye just happened to bring along big old delicious red velvet bundt cake to celebrate, and celebrate we did.
I didn't get photos - was quite busy stuffing my face, thankyouverymuch, so that's on me. I videotaped the singing of happy birthday and such, but made the rooky (idjit) error of only thinking I'd turned on the camera so that was no go too. Oh well... Suffice to say, Vincent enjoyed his celebration and we all had cake. Yippy!
Cheer was the order of the evening
Thanks for this photo Yvonne!
Vincent blows out the candles on his red velvet birthday cake.
We had a fantastic day together, and the chatting and catching up took us into the evening. Thanks again to Jen & Andrew for so amiably & generously hosting our family's Pop-up Reunion here in Sac'o tomatoes. And thanks to David & Tom for doing all that planning. I mean, geez, I didn't even know there was an Air Force Museum in my neck of the woods.
And last, here is my video of our day together. At almost 30 minutes it's long for one of my end-of-post vids, but I have watched it a couple of times because I love the heck out of it. Lots of footage of our Flight Simulations, including us loop the looping, me flying over Manhattan and Cousin David bombing her majesty's Olympic stadium in London. How is that not fun & worth a look?
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