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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chez Claire Redux

Barbara and Tante Judy pose in the Gulag Garden

I am in the midst of post-house guest blues. Why do guests have to eventually go home? Why oh why! Last weekend buddy Barbara, as planned by us, brought along her Aunt Judy for the weekend. Barbara and I had the idea to take Judy out to see the wildflowers and we looked forward to showing off to her, vast fields of puffy, vibrant wildflowers. Great idea, only Mom Nature didn't exactly coordinate with our plans. Pioneer Park is on the downslide of the season's flower show.

Pioneer Park looking like a living watercolor painting

The flowers were scantily scattered around the vernal pools: Checkerbloom, White Hyacynth, with dottings of Calico flowers (Dowingia) in the low spots. The Mather vernal pools were pretty much plum out of flowers all together. Oh well, it was fun chatting as we drove around.

The wild lillies, Crown Brodea play
peek-a-boo all over the landscape

A value added feature of guests for me was having someone new to feed and try to impress with my WTH cooking methods. Saturday night I plied Barbara and Judy with Morrocan Chicken Apricot Tangine with a v. moist Almond Citrus Pound Cake for dessert. I felt so utterly enthused by their enjoyment of the meal that I invited more company for the oncoming weekend.

GAK! What was I thinking!? What will I serve? *blind panic* I guess that's another story for another day.

Sunday afternoon Barbara drove us all to Napa by way of Lake Berryessa - the ultimate scenic route. The joke of the day was there were far more wildflowers seen driving Judy home, then there was seen at either of the two wildflower sites we took her too. Oh well! We all enjoyed the ride, followed by dinner at a Napa Mexican Restaurant (thanks for the treat Judy!).

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