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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


A lone Blue Dick rises above the meadow grass

The BLUE DICKS Wildflowers ARE UP! Ah, me - I never tire of that juvenile joke.

A couple of days ago, Barb and I drove up the street to Pioneer Park to see if the vernal pools are at the show-off stage, but no dice. Not that there wasn't pretty sights galore; there was a beautiful pair of Great Egrets. Both had 'egrets' the long flowing feathers that cover their backs in breeding season.

Pioneer Park Vernal Pools, Stage one: WET

I could see bright yellow flowers off in the distance, but didn't want to wade through the ponds to see them.

Soap Plants are popping up everywhere

Next we drove out to Mather Field, one of my favorite springtime haunts. We were there on Saturday, but it was cloudy and somewhat rainy so the little poppies of the fields were closed up as tight as [insert rude tight reference HERE]. So as the sun was shining today, we headed out to Mather for a look-see. We found a nice fat patch of Butter and Eggs, also called Johnny Tucks.

A patch of 'Butter and Eggs'

Frying Pans!

The Frying Pans, a sort of mini-California poppy, that were closed up tight during the last several days of cloudy weather, are now OPEN for business! The yellow flowers are currently sprinkled about in small groupings that I think will grow to be massive in the coming weeks. There were also Fiddleheads, yellow flowers are also up everywhere one looks.


Then we found one of the major showy flowers at Mather - Meadow Foam! They are large, bright and sit in great mounds in the meadow - later in the season that is - looking like ocean foam blown ashore.

Meadow Foam

Alas! Barb and I were in low gear and for the most part, so didn't wander far from the car so no close-up photos today. Wouldn't have bothered with this post at all if it weren't for wanting to shout from the blogger rooftop: THE WILDFLOWERS ARE UP! THE SHOW HAS BEGUN!

Napping Geese at Mather Field

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