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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

April Fool's Day Comes Early

Yesterday was pay day, so my brain set today as 'April 1st'. So, I got up, got dressed and went out to buy my annual Park Pass for the American River. Only after I bought it, I realized it is only March 29th. 'DUH'

The above only makes a difference because if I'd waited until Monday, the pass would be good for 13 months, not 12. Anywhoo, I decided I needed to get March Madness out fo my system, so I drove straight to Rossmoor Bar on the American River. There I found a half dozen Wild Tom Turkeys, tails fanned, bodies poofed up, parading around. Of course there was one - yes, only one - sweet young thang, Wild Turkey Hen, unfazed by the boys - ignoring them. *tee hee*

The birdies that made up for my missing a month on my pass was a beautiful pair of Phanopeplas. And Elegant birds they were; the male a shiny blue-black with a perky crest and ember-red eyes. I have got to get back to the park tomorrow and try for some photos.

Phaenopepla - photo by Peter LaTourrette

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Gulag Garden Revisted

Ah Spring! The birds are singing, Claire is sneezing and it's time to mess about in the garden again. Yesterday I potted up a hybrid tea rose 'Operetta'. I'm busting with pride. Only bought it two weeks ago. For me that is VERY rapid potting-up.

Pot O' lilies, Pot o' Operetta Rose

I was inspired to plant the rose because yesterday I hit the Capital Nursery yesterday and bought a bunch of flower seedlings. You know - so the rose wouldn't think too much of itself, getting planted in a pot of its own and all.

Lupine Seedlings

Pansies and new Columbine seedlings

Here is my pride and joy - 'Pixie Denia' Lilies, and Nerine Bowdenii (pink lily thingies) that survived from last year. They started popping up in their pots a couple of weeks ago. One day the pots were all dirt, the next, they were bulging with Lilie plants. I can't wait to see them bloom again.

More Denia Pixie Lilies and Nerine Bowdenii

Rocks are in some of the pots - as well as bamboo skewers - to keep Rum-kitty from making the pots into kitty loungers. A few years ago these pots held beautiful Stargazer Lilies until Rum planted his fuzzy arse on them. Kitties will be kitties I suppose.

The only things missing are the lovely Hollyhocks from the bulbs I bought last year at Cost-co. Uh... actually, those are still in the bottom of my fridge, waiting to be planted...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pretties without Wings

Johnny Jump-ups

Yes, on rare occasion I admire things without fur or feather. I admired these on the drive back from Monterrey. I understand it's going to be a bumper crop year for wildflowers in my neck of the woods too.

Shooting Stars
California Poppies

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Kerfluffle at Barb's

Barbara and Oscar

Managed to squeeze in a couple of short visits with Barbara. She was supposed to meet me in Monterey but the near-do-well she'd given her two old mares to called up to report one had an accident with barbed wire. Long story short, Barbara spent a couple of days dealing with vet bills and getting the mares transported back to her house.

I got to see and visit with James whose birthday it was. He drove down to visit with his brother Eric. Not long after I left, both boys were out from under Barbara's wing, leaving her and Oscar on their own again.

Eggs from Barbara's chickens - yum!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Otterly Delightful

The photo above does not do justice to the California Poppies dusted over the hillsides. I took this out the window as a drive by actually so I am pleased I'm alive to even post it. I'll back up a bit; I was in Monterrey County for work over the past few days. Visited with Barb & her fractious household. Spent as much time as I could get a way with, birding & checking out the wildflowers & sea life.

There are loads more otters to the north and south

I spent most of Wednesday at Moss Landing for a meeting. I was amazed to discover a flotilla of around 25 Sea Otters at the mouth of the estuary. Some of the dots above are gulls, but many more are Otters, floating along on their backs. Occasionally they dive and pop back up like corks, with take-away lunches of clams, oysters and what-not.

Typical Coastal California Real estate

Only a few hundred feet from the otters there was a pier with about a hundred lazy, lay-a-bed Sea Lions. Honestly, as lazy as I am I think I would have been happier had I come into this world as an otter or seal. Lots of nap time, food more or less at one's flipper tips. However, given a choice which of the two species I would be born into, I would opt for the Sea Otters; much easier babyhood.

Here is Baby, his head to the left, nursing from patient Mom, whose head is to the right.

The silvery ball on the far right is a UFO (Unidentified Floating Otter) headed over to make trouble

Baby's head pops up... I'M DRINKING HERE!

Mom, Baby and Golden-headed stranger all in a Kerfuffle

Loads of splashing, arms raised in alarm

After a bit it was difficult to tell who was whom any more
Well by now I'd lost track of who was molesting who, and the baby set up a scream like a banshee with it's tail in a vice. Baby Sea Otters are LOUD. I don't know if what I was watching was adult otters playing while baby shrieked because milk-time was disturbed or if there was a genuine assault on. Oh well. Please note, baby was a BIG baby, about half the size of Mom. Water soaked Brat.
Yes. If I had to choose, I'd go for being a bratty Sea Otter with most meals served up on the half shell.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

My Fair Lady

Went to a Sunday matinee to see My Fair Lady put on by the Davis Musical Theater with my theater buddy, Cornetta. In short;

The rine in Spine styed minely on the plyne.

The rine in Spine styed minely on the plyne….

The Rain in Spain stayed mainly on the plane!

Aww.... couldn't you just dance all night?