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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Weekend in Napa

I spent most of the weekend in Napa. Early Sunday afternoon I found myself seated with Barbara, her sister Suzi and their cousins Sharon and Diane. We took turns weeping as they discussed arrangements for Irmgard who left this earthly plane Friday morning. It was strange to see one’s own generation making plans, which in this case included no funeral, but instead a Spring picnic for everyone to gather together in remembrance of Irmgard. The good lady’s ashes will be dispersed on the ocean, also in the Spring when the weather improves.

This growing older & losing your parents, or for that matter losing your older relatives , truly sucks.

Hans, Barb & Suzi's dad of course, all considered is doing well. When I visit him in his little TV room, 'the Bunker', he continues to recognize me.

'It's Claire! Sweetie pie,' Hans says and he perks up a bit.

He still recognizes me! That is some sort of miracle and it totally warms my heart. He had a horrible sleepless night Friday. He sat weeping in the Bunker, saying 'Traurig, sehr traurig...'

Yes, very sad indeed.

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