One of the things I like about the bed are two vertical storage spaces in the headboard - rather unusual, as the spaces are accessed from the top - so you can drop magazines into them I suppose.
It was fun trying out all the mattresses to pick out the one I most fancied. Had the biggest temptation in the bedroom area - there was a round bed, which reminded me of the old James Bond movies. Oooo that is like soo very tempting for my bedroom. The round bed is large enough to roll around on - to say the least. Nancy thought I should give the round bed serious consideration and said 'You know what they say, if you buy the bed HE will come'.
Thought I, 'he will come all right, heh, heh, heh....' I think I might have taken her comment the wrong way. Nancy called Rick (hubby) and he asked if we brought a pea with us so we could properly test out the mattresses on our princess soft skins. HAHAHAHHAAHA!
One of the big attactions with the West Sacramento Ikea is a Swedish restaurant which Nancy & I could not wait to try! So first we did our picking and choosing of furniture on the 2nd floor and then we bought dinner there - cafeteria style. Nancy got cooked salmon with potatoes and two varieties of carrots - yellow and orange. I got a spinach salad with salmon lox & a delish dijon dressing & a slice of loganberry cheesecake. Yum.
After enjoying our little 'taste of Sweden' we went down to the first floor for part II - picking up what we wished to purchase. Very strange! First you look at what you want on the immense 2nd floor showroom & jot down the aisle and bin numbers of what you want to buy. Then you go down to the first floor and pick the unassembled boxed items up and take them to check out.
I was whingy by then and Nancy found some nice guy we decided was named 'Sven' to help me get my purchases together on a cart. 'Sven' was a really sweet guy from somewhere in Africa. Anyway, with his help all my purchases were piled high on a rolly-cart.
I opted to have the lot of it delivered to my house so I made the arrangements.
Nancy bought a cute slatted bench for use by her front door - for Adan and Diego to put their back packs on and store their shoes under. Couldn't find a picture of it but it was very pretty and solid wood, not particle wood. Nancy also got a nice green table cloth and some Swedish goodies - cookies and such and I therefore had to peruse a secondary food area Ikea clevery put by the exit to tempt shopers before they leave. I ended up with salmon pate in a tube, marzapan cake thingies, Swedish licorice fish & a jar of pickled herring. Nummy!
It was a huge wonderful treat to have Nancy to go shopping with. I get so totally bored doing all my shopping by myself all the time. Making the event into a girly outing added a nice element of fun and took all the work out of shopping. Heaven knows I have a ton of shopping to do in the coming weeks.
My new bed and TV stand will arrive next Saturday the 20th, first thing in the morning. I can hardly wait! Especially since I will be sleeping on my eensie couch all week as I gave away the last of the beds in the household.