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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Morning at the Ĉeské Budějovice Castle

České Budějovice castle
When in Bohemia...

Today began with lots of hustling, as we wanted to both tour a pair of local castles, as well as travel on to Prague tonight. So we packed up quickly. Leaving our luggage with the concierge
we took a taxi to the bus station and soon we were headed for the České Budějovice castle.

Arriving in a little southern Bohemian town, we walked to a cute area with souvenirs and a cafe. at the cafe Jo ordered a small beer and a bowl of soup, which she let me try. The soup was rich, and tasty yet, strange. Working up the courage to ask what it was, we weren't sure even though we were told. Hum... it was either tripe or cow belly. Mighty tasty cow belly there in Bohemia!

We were told this was where we could catch a tram to take us the mile or two up the hillside to the castle. When the tram finally arrived and all were loaded on, we paid our korunas and were whisked up hill.

Once the tram dropped us off at the top of the hill. leaving a short walk to the castle

I'll confess at the front that I didn't learn much about the castle, other than its local is the origin of Budweiser beer. Oh, and one other thing...

They ♪ used ant-lers 
...in all of their dec-or-ating...! ♪

Disquieting statuaries for terrifying children
Pecking out eyes is a popular castle theme

I love the grace of this Chamois antelope statue

A Trio of geese decorate a side garden

After an hour or two, Jo and met up again. She headed down the hill while I - ever the lazy traveler, decided to take the tram back down the hill. While I waited I tried to bird, but the little buggers were all off too far for a look at.
So I contemplated the mosses along a stone wall
And butterflies.
Finally it was concluded if I waited for the tram, I would be here until nightfall, so I started tramping down the hill. Must be admitted it was a lovely walk.
The downhill was was lovely & green
I was serenaded for most of my downhill march.

[UPDATE: An informed YouTube viewer told me the inspiring bells I heard did not ring from the church, but were the local brewery's Budweiser Beer Bells!]
Down the hill was the cutest restaurant

 With a massive and delightfully UGLY catfish over the porch

The catfish's gapping mouth and long metallic whiskers were borderline creepy!

Really, the walk downhill seemed only half as long as the ride uphill, which is odd. After a few moments of 'where the heck am I?' I found my way back to the little area where we'd caught the tram. We then took a local bus back to Ceske Budejoice where we grabbed a second bus and headed to Ceske Krumlov. And that is a tale for another day... today, to be exact. 

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