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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Quick Visit with Dear Friends for a Big Day

Saturday afternoon off Point Loma, San Diego (iPhone pic)
Hurrah for Cupid's arrow! Am in San Diego for the weekend, so I can attend the wedding of my best buds Gene & Joann's baby girl, Jennifer. Had no idea Jenny had a steady, much less a fiance, but then an out of town Auntie is always the last to know *happy winks*.

AirBnB flat came w/ensie twee kitty
I flew down and because hotels in San Diego are outrageously expensive - I'm talking, if you have to ask, you can't afford them - so I went with AirBnB. Got a tiny apartment for a mini weekend (Friday morn thru Su
nday morn) in the Ocean Beach area (update: seriously overpriced for where I stayed). As soon as I was settled in I headed out, visiting my parents in Rosecrans National Cemetery on Point Loma. 

Next I might have hit any of a b'jillion tourist spots in San Diego, but having not planned a single solitary thing for this weekend, I fell to my normal default which is Old Town. That spot has a load of memories from my teenager-hood. Strolling around with my mother or roaming its streets with Joann because we always had money burning holes in our pockets in our need for cool and groovy candles. Oh, and I also had a thing for rocks at the Old Town rock shop. Still have all of those rocks you know. Yes - a little pathetic.

I was on site in Old Town before any of the shops opened so I had plenty of time for a leisurely stroll. I stopped to admire the scenery and was quickly surrounded by several young students - late teens & early twenties - for whom English was a second, if not third language. They read through a list of questions, selecting to ask me, "Are you a vegetarian?"

Oh yes, as if. When I answered I was directed to sign a form, and I surmised they were on a scavenger hunt.

Old Town has 'Little House on the Prairie' wooden boardwalks; quite fun
Old Town museum exhibit showing an old stagecoach stop restaurant
Diorama of what the whole of San Diego looked like in the 1800s
Any time I held still for more than a minute or two, a new group of students would surround me, and with various degrees of skill with the English tongue would ask me again if I was a vegetarian or some other question, in hope of completing their scavenger hunt list.
Students, in foreground and aft, who all had scavenger hunt queries for me
Mind, they all spoke much better English than I could ever hope to speak Korean, Spanish or Russian, and I would match my horrible accent against any of their's any day.

After a short afternoon stop at my 'digs' in Ocean Beach I headed over to the home of Jenny's new in-laws. There everyone on both sides of Jenny's old and new family gathered for dinner and a nice chat. Thought it was sweet of them to include me in this family get-together. Got to meet Jenny's soon-to-be hubby, and the 'Scarborough' sisters whom I haven't laid eyes on in ages. Also at long last, I got to meet Joann's newest grand baby-boy. When Joann's around her grandkids she absolutely glows, and who can blame her, they are cuties.

Joann and her curly-locked little Grandson

  That was a nice end to my first day in my old stomping grounds. Tomorrow is the big day for the double Jays, John & Jenny. 

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