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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

While I Loll, Others Work

Whimbrels and plovers headed for an afternoon rendezvous with juicy sand crabs
Lovely, perfect and ergo, lazy-as-hell day. Started off with breakfast at the Good Harvest Restaurant. It was pretty good, and I think Barbara and I ingested about .23 percent of our weight in real butter, as per advertized. Later I drove us to the pier, where, most remarkable thing is I didn't take anphotos there. There were birds, scenery, and lots of locals with cute tykes fishing from the pier, yes, but I was too full to feel the need to photograph them. Yes, that was very nearly a first.

Now I don't know what friend Barbara enjoyed most of the day, but for my vacation dollar, the hands down winner event of the day was watching a quite serious construction excavator master at work.
All the action took place about 30 feet in front of the door to my motel room.

Pretty neat and tidy looking for a Longshoreman
He or she pushed sandy soil up from the basement
Then it was back down for a new load of sand
Then it was back up for a good push and a full body pose including... pardon me... tail

"What...? You looking at me? You looking at ME? I'll break your kneecaps!"

Oh crap! Gopher noticed me and stopped working to stare at me for several minutes. I think it was working without papers and kind of touchy... I backed away slowly and retreated to my room. I'm kind of fond of my kneecaps.

Cool little dude or dude-ette I say. I'd love to see what is downstairs - bedrooms, loo, probably a pool room too. Will keep an eye on the progress this week.

Didn't get much else done for the day, not even a walk on the beach yet, but then I'm lazy and you already know that. Happily I can see a lot of birdies from the room.

And Ospreys road the air currents overhead every once in a bit

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