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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ready... Set... NAPA!

Judy and the travelin' doggie
Today I was in Napa to celebrate Judy's 80th birthday. Judy's whole California family and many friends were on hand for the celebration. It was nice visiting with Diane, visiting from Washington, Sharon, Randy and the girls, and Barbara's sister Suzi & signif other Bob.

Judy got lots of nice prezzies, and my favorite at least was a paper mache doggie. Judy was given the dog, and a photo album of places the doggie traveled with Suzi & Bob. The pup represents a prezzie that was a year or two in the making.

Towards the end of the afternoon it was a challenge getting everyone in one photo, but here's my, aptly named, best shot.
Judy is in the back squirreled away.
Did I mention there was a beautiful luncheon followed by not one, but two giant chocolate & delish, birthday cakes? No? Aw, maybe I'll chat about them another time.

At the end of the afternoon, Barbara and I headed north. We stayed over in Willets, and tomorrow we're off to Crescent City to visit with our friend Inez, now known as Feather. We'll spend the week at the Crescent City Beach Motel facing Crescent City Bay. Ah! It's going to be nice.

Thanks for sharing your birthday Judy!

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