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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In Seattle

A view from behind Pikes Market, downtown Seattle
On Monday, as planned I met up with my high school buddy, Diane. We had a lot to catch up and as soon as we saw each other it was chit-chat City. Diane is in Seattle to attend a conference for school psychologists.

Diane in our B&B kitchen

We stayed at an AirBnB townhouse in Seattle and loved it. AirBnB is a new fangled concept in the states, but an old one in Europe. You stay at the home of a private citizen, which in this case was a sweet, generous and kind young couple at a townhouse near downtown Seattle. I'll never forget that wild and crazy floor plan of that townhouse! We were provided a stocked shelf in their fridge, cereals, breakfast bars and such, as well as full use of the kitchen. We fixed ourselves some eggs and toast for breakfast.  

While Diane was off to her conference on Tuesday, I visited the famous & huge, Pikes Market in downtown Seattle. Pikes Market is sort of a 24/7 combination grocery store, farmer's market and mall, that has been a staple of Seattle since 1907. The market has several floors and is built on the side of a hill. I walked and rode elevators all over the place, visiting a dizzying array of shops of every kind.

I first visited the market with Fran Zalkin, back in 1981. The most memorable bit was being stunned by my first viewing of geoducks (pronounced 'gooey-ducks') which resemble a line up at a bathhouse in San Francisco. I am shocked to find there are no longer any geoducks at Pikes. I think they are now too rare expensive for this venue. Happily there are loads of other items to peak one's interest at Pikes.

This view set me hankering for some hot chowder
Turkey eggs! I want turkey eggs at my Farmer's Market!

The view through Pikes Market

I am told, this little piggy, that obviously went to market is called "Rachel". She's the Pikes Market mascot and is made of bronze.  There is an annual event called 'Pigs on Parade' that raises money for a Pikes Market social services charity. She's raised $100K in donations to date.

I observed lots of people sitting astride Rachel, posing for photos. Those are her trotter tracks passing the ground in front of her. Each track is etched with the names of charitable donors & their sentiments.

The labels here are a hoot

Genetically speaking, even the tiles outside the rest rooms were entertaining at Pikes,

I bought lunch at a little shop across from the market. The shop makes its own cheese on the premises. If you don't believe it you have only to look through their store front window, to watch the artisan craftspeople whipping up a batch of cheese, right before your eyes.

A little store front cheese making
Monday night Diane enjoyed her Panna Cotta dessert

Monday night, Diane and I walked to Marjorie, one of numerous restaurants nearby the B&B. Talk about living high on the Rachel... I mean, high on the hog.

We enjoyed a scrumptious din-din including sinfully yummy desserts. Um... we intend to dine in a similar manner for the remainder of the week. How could not give into the local culture ala Fraiser? Today we dined at Anchovies and Olives, enjoying another dining adventure.

What a fun day. As Frasier says, Good Night Seattle!

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