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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn... er, in Fair Oaks...

A couple weeks ago I tore down the dead Cecil Bruner climbing rose that has grown along the back fence line since I moved in years ago. It was just a wooden skeleton; I don't know if the deep pruning by the gardeners or insect vermin did it in, but it is likely that both had a hand in the rose's demise. Like the class act it was, the Cecil Bruner rose thoughtfully left behind a shrub sized baby, which is currently covered in baby pink blooms.

What I'm getting at is, it was only a couple of weeks since I was in that bit of my garden. Yesterday morning I opened my bedroom blinds and what did I see growing up straight and tall in that very spot? A humongous flippin'
Tree of Heaven, bold as brass & as tall as me, growing right where I'd torn down the rose maybe three or four weeks ago. How can any tree grow so damned fast! I ran right out side and did a dance on it's weedy arse. I think some bird must have sat on the phone lines overhead and pooped me a freakn' big-arse weed tree. Stupid Tree.

[Management wishes to point out that Miss Miller normally loves and mourns the loss of trees on and around her property, but her love of trees does not extend to the ugly-arse 'Tree of Heaven' purposely imported by Chinese Immigrants eons ago. The Chinese brought the seeds of the annoying and invasive trees with them from China as a reminder of home; their sweet memories of home, our continuing battle with a noxious nasty weed that now grows like big-arse sore thumbs all over the United States. The Tree of Heaven is the famed tree that grew in the novel (which Ms. Miller has read and loved)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.]

In other news, yesterday I plum forgot I had a ticket to see a musical play at the Davis Musical Theater Company. Happily, my musical theater buddy Cornetta did not forget. Her phone call saved us both from missing out on a fun evening.

Neither of us knew a thing about the play - The Pajama Game - but we laid wager that the old 1950s play would contain at least one tune we'd recognize. Popular tunes often have their roots in moldy oldie plays that few remember any more. Sure enough, during the play there were three tunes that made our heads swivel round as we giggled like the demented creatures we can be. The one I enjoyed the most was Steam Heat (as in 'we got sssssss.... steam heat, but I need your love to keep away the cold', dancing all sexy Fosse, Jazz Hands and stuff).

We totally enjoyed ourselves.

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