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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Birthday Treat: Dinner and a Movie

No Whine and Pine today after all. My ankle is right as rain again. Mommy Nancy called and we decided on dinner and a movie. So late afternoon we went to the Tower Theater and saw Little Miss Sunshine. We both enjoyed it, with Nancy alternately laughing and boo-hooing throughout the movie; having just returned from a family road trip she could easily relate. I got no deep meaning out of the film for myself, it just made me laugh, particularly when the little Miss did her show stopping dance at the end of the movie.

After the movie we went right next door to the Tower Cafe Restaurant. I love it there, lovely atmosphere and desserts to die for. As my birthday is coming up, Nancy treated me, which was sweet of her. She had the Irish Guiness beef stew, I had the Jamaica Jerked Chicken with cool citrus dipping sauce, both our dinners washed down with lovely draft beer. It was nice being able to catch up on our summer vacations without having to do the usual wolfing down of lunch and fleeing back to work inside of 30 minutes. Nancy & the family took a family road trip north to Cor d' Lane Washington. Sounded like fun - two parents, 2 young high school boys - all in all there trip was a tad reminiscent of Little Miss Sunshine without the dancing.
The Tower Theater & the marvelous Tower Cafe next door (red striped awning)

When I dropped Nancy home I went in to see their new telly - a humongous lovely flat screen. Eventually Rick came home with Tippy the dog, and after a while Adan came home. Never saw Diego because he's at the age where you practically have to make an appointment to catch him home on a Saturday night. Adan cracks me up because he is at the awkward, stretched out like taffy stage. He is tall and thin but I can still see that cute chuffy boy he used to be. What a good natured kid he is. Time really flies; Diego is a senior this year and Adan will be starting at high school this year - YIKES! They'll be at the same school for one year.
I had thought I would just drop Nancy off and trot home but after a week in Flu-Isolation, it was marvelous getting to hang around to chat and watch tv with the family. I totally needed a 'human fix', specially with such nice humans.