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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, December 23, 2022

Snow Days!

Early morning view of snow along the Dungeness Spit

Inside of me there is a five-year old girl and she loves snow. More than once I've climbed out of bed, sluggish at 3AM. I slog towards the bathroom, but stop to stare out the upstairs hall window. There, by the miracle of ordinary weather I see a moonlit blanket of white covering everything as far as I can see. What can I do but shout 'YIPPY' and then skip towards the bathroom. 
Far off, the Olympic Mountains to the south,
as seen from my 'play room'

I wonder sometimes if I'm not just crazy, as my friends/neighbors HATE the dread white stuff, fussing on how difficult it is to drive on snow, how cold it is and yatta, yatta, yatta. But me? I'm all "Yay, SNOW!"

The Bushtits don't mind the snow,
as long as I keep the feeder full

Snow around here can be fleeting. Mornings I slump into the hall and peer through the window to see the snow fall of the previous night. Then, not a morning person, I'll crawl off to drink my coffee. A couple of hours later I'll check out the window, saddened to see the snow has already melted away. But this week we... or at least "I" am in luck. The snow fell and has lasted a few days. Nope. I don't build snowmen, I don't use a sled and I don't cross country ski. I just love looking at all that cold stuff. 

Can't even see the road under all that snow

The mountains on the other side of the San Juan Straits are in Canada

The old farm house
That's all she wrote. Just wanted to wax sympathetically over all that frigid, brrrrrr stuff. 

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