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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Hula on the Mainland

Daughter does traditional Hula while her mother sings and keeps time on the ipu

Sometimes I feel my fitness trainer is actually my event planner. She's told me when exciting things are afoot, such as when Dandelion Botanical Company opened up about a mile from my house. I am totally enraptured with that store and I get all my medicinal herbs - uh... and some crystals -  at that wonderous shop. Back on topic, recently Karina let me know there was to be a Hula presentation in the field behind the Sequim library. OMG I was so excited! She told me about the hula because I have been attempting to learn a 'simple' non-traditional hula. Most of what I learned so far is there is no such thing as a simple hula. That's for me at least, as I can't coordinate my arm and feet movements to save my life. I used to do so easily but someone seems to have cut the connection between my feet, arms and brain. Go figure. 

The lady who lead the event was brilliant and taught the gathering a ton of information, much of which was new to me. I'm not going to try to relate any of it, but will instead include this video of the lady singing beautifully as she plays the ipu as her pretty daughter danced a traditional hula. Enchanting chanting all! 

My favorite part of the demonstrations? When all those who wished for a little Hula lesson to come up front! All the little girls in the audience raced up onto the stage, and the far more timid adults, which included me of course, stayed down in front of the stage. I was surprised there was only a handful of adults - all women - who wanted to dance. I kicked off my shoes so I could feel my toes in the grass and enjoyed my 2nd ever Hula lesson - and so close to home! As usual, as I fought to hold back tears of joy as I followed along the arm movements and steps we were shown. We all managed a complete dance and I was clumsy on certain moves, but not half bad on others - you know - not ready for a prime time Luau, but my heart was in it. Can't wait for my 3rd Hula lesson - hopefully back on the islands again. 

UPDATE: Karina, my exercise trainer discovered the following photo the audience participation dance session and I'm right chuffed to have it. Thanks Karina!

"Get that arm up Miller!"   In my defense, that's my 'bad' arm! : )

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