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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, May 13, 2022

River Otters at Ediz Hook

River Otter, eyes shut, chomping down on seafood brunch

Today I visited Ediz Hook, which is a land spit off Port Angeles. I totally had River Otters on my mind as I discussed them recently with my friend Ingrid, who told me she saw several at the start of the hook. I had also chatted about the otters with another friend who walks the length of the hook frequently. She thinks the River Otters are too rat-like for her liking, which made me laugh. Pointing out they are weasels, not rodents didn't change her mind one bit. So when I reached my favorite parking spot, I was a happily surprised to see a River Otter surface, then dive. Scrambling for my camera, I flung myself out of my car to take some action photos of the fishing River Otter. 

Eating an Eel?

Nom, Nom, Nom...

Diving for 10th helping of seafood entrée

With plenty of shots taken, I figured that was it for the day, settling in my car to gloat over otter photos. Five or ten minutes later, something compelled me to look out the drivers side window, and there, some 15 feet away by my car was the hunchbacked River Otter on dry land. Yes, I immediately lost my #@$&, scurrying out of my car, missing every camera shot I aimed for due to overexcitement. I'd make a crap NatGeo photographer. 

Watching the otter galumphing along by one of the spit's effing feral cat shelters, and then it disappeared for a bit, reappearing on the boat launch parking lot. By that time I was taping the rascal. 
An old fisherman & the otter trotted past each other by no more than 3 feet. Neither paid one whit of attention to the other. Did the fisherman think the otter was a cat or dog? Was the presence of otters here too common for the pair to bother noting one another? Somewhere were lions lying down with lambs or something? I mean, that otter paid zero attention to the old man of the sea. 

Hiking it over to the parking lot, which is bordered by harbor waters on 3 sides I looked and looked, finally seeing the otter surfacing in the harbor and I had a field day photographing it. 

Here is my video of the frisky critter - Dramamine recommended for those without sea legs

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