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Balloons over the Serengeti - Part II

Gotta look before you tiptoe through the Serengeti grass Today was so packed, a 2nd Part was necessary. Part I left off after the so-called ...

Friday, June 12, 2020

Fixing up the Farmhouse, Part II

Unfinished Garage Walls, no insulation, nor walls really
I had a great handyman in Fair Oaks, named Handyman Jim. And now, I have an equally wonderful handyman here in Sequim, and his name is also Jim. I will refer to him as Handyman Jim II for short. Jim II was recommended to me by Diane and Judy, the cousin and aunt of my friend Barbara. Diane & Judy met Jim II when they hired him to remodeling a bathroom. They were totally impressed with Jim II and the work he did for them. I have a ton of tasks for him to do. We started off with his working on my garage.

Insulation in place

The drywall installed and note one of two electric sockets, added for 'moi' convenience.

All the nails & seams spackled & readied for painting
Nice coat of 'Cameo White' paint

Yeah, yeah, not exactly the completion of the Statue of Liberty, but I'm sooo stoked by seeing the work getting done. So now the garage should stay at a temperature that won't freeze me come winter when I launder my skivvies & such.

I've long dreamed of a pretty & practical laundry area, looking perhaps something as charming and pretty as the perfectly twee laundry room on the right here:

Yes, who am I kidding. Here, below, is the starting point of my dream laundry area on the north side of my garage.
Yeah... loads of electrical wiring, styrofoam water pipes and ugly old water heater

Whomever put in the laundry area here gave not a jot of care to the placement of the water pipes (seen here encased in yellowing styrofoam), nor to the criss-crossing electric conduits that were about as high up on the walls as you could get them. WHY? I mean WHY put electric conduits so freakn' high? I mean, WTF!?

So Handyman Jim II's task was to lower the pipes and conduits and to make the dryer vent a straight line shot to the vent, instead of that sharp right turn.

Here is transitional work.

First up peeling the wall back to reveal the original wooden farm house walls, but really to access the various pipes and thingamajigs... uh... Jim II told me what the stripping was for but I done fergits.

AH HA!  The wall panel replaced and the uggy, yellowing, styrofoam pipes are replaced. The water lines now run a straight line over to the the future spots for the washing machine.

The water heater is probably on its last legs, as was my last water heater when I'd moved into the house. Or, like that last water heater, it might just last another 23 years.  Fingers crossed, right?


Yeah, I know, not ready for Sunset Magazine, but it's on the way. First note the wall above the washer & dryer are now free of styrofoam and electrical crap, and probably awaiting a coat of paint, as soon as I decide on a color scheme. There sits an adorable new sink in the center, with a cool spigot thingie. Both newly acquired washer and dryer are atop dollies, so they can be rolled forward and back to retrieve dropped sponges or skivvies. The uggy old water heater is still obvious. It is slated to be walled off so you know, give it time. And no shelving or cabinets as yet, but that is on the 'to do' list. Happy for now... but loads more work to go.

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